Sugar is Worse than Just “Empty Calories” and Tooth Decay
An interesting study you’re not likely to ever hear about came out of my own alma mater, the University of Utah, and THIS article was published in the Tribune:
James Ruff and professor Wayne Potts stand inside a semi natural mouse enclosure at the University of Utah
Many mothers let their children eat loads of sugary food, thinking that it’s okay because their kid is thin, and they’ll make him brush his teeth twice a day. It turns out that sugar is harmful in so many more ways than dental decay and “empty calories.” The researchers at the University of Utah found that, with the amount of added sugar many Americans eat, female mice died at twice the rate, and male mice exhibit abnormal behavior and don’t reproduce.
The senior author of the study says that the mortality rate of eating the S.A.D. is the equivalent of having your parents be first cousins.
Posted in: Dental Health, Health Concerns, Preventive Care, Whole Food