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Removing Root-Canal Teeth: My Experience, And Why I Had It Done

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 29, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

standard imageLast Friday, I had five hours of oral surgery under general anaesthesia. I had my two root-canal teeth removed.

I had read multiple books and papers on toxic dental practices, and had become convinced that root canals are UNIVERSALLY a terrible idea. I’d learned that the research of Weston A. Price, possibly the most well published dentist in history, showed that trapping fossilized dead teeth in the mouth causes the bacteria in the miles of dentin tubules to morph into some of the deadliest organisms on the planet, and range the body, causing deadly auto-immune conditions and cancer.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’m an information and research junkie and consume a lot of info in a short period of time. About the time I discovered how root canals (not to mention mercury in amalgam fillings) are contributing to disease, I developed a blister on the outside of one of my root-canal teeth. The gums were a little sensitive.

And I just had this sense that my immune system was straining. I don’t know how to describe it, exactly. I still looked and felt healthy, still running and playing tennis and working long hours and traveling with intense schedules, without incident.

But I’ve become pretty attuned to minor phenomena in my body, in my quest to be as healthy as I can be. And I FELT that my immune system was under assault. Was I impressionistic because of everything I’d read? Maybe. I don’t have anything more compelling than the fact that I just felt like my immune system was revving, and maxed. That, and I had these weird rashes. Arms, legs, stomach.

I found a biological dentist to do the procedure. He does a lot of meticulous research and planning before a major procedures, and I had to go for a few hours for many diagnostic procedures. Then my $7,000 day in his office included 14 procedures, including bone cavitation, which is putting a fibrin plug/clot of my own blood rich in adult stem cells in the wound, to help heal and to help bone fill in. Plus a bone graft for the zirconium implant I will get for the tooth in front, in six months.

The dentist dug out roots of my teeth all the way up into the jaw,  debrided the jaw bone of any decay, and did a bone graft. I have stitches not only over the place where teeth once were, but also up high in the gums, where the tips of the roots were. He also did some major work on the other side of my mouth, redoing fillings that date back many years, 14 individual procedures total, in 5 hours.

He found that amalgam was NOT entirely removed from my mouth 10 years ago. He dug out another chunk of it.  I am glad to have that done.

The dentist gave me IV Vitamin C during the procedure.  I am also using ACS and ACZ, to kill micro-organisms and safely remove them from the body.

I told the anaesthesiologist I wanted no benzodiazipenes.  He didn’t like that. He pitched me on using these “date rape” drugs. He said they would protect me from the memory of the traumatic surgery, and he said he would recommend them for his own loved ones.

(Of course he would—those who operate in drug use every day are very comfortable with them. I am always wary of advice from pharmacists, drug reps, and drug-intensive medical practitioners. They’re good people, but they come from a different planet than the one I come from, ‘nuff said. I’m glad they are there, when we need them, don’t get me wrong. But I think massive caution is needed, with drugs in general.)

I stood my ground. He used no benzo’s. And by the time I was driven home 90 minutes after surgery, I worked on my computer for the rest of the day and went to bed at the normal time and slept a normal amount, 6 hours. I felt fine and went first thing in the morning to Salt Lake to watch my tennis team play.

While I haven’t had any pain, I do feel bruised, and I basically now can’t chew on either side of my mouth very well yet. Fortunately I can drink lots of green smoothies and vegetable juices. I’m also drinking Rejuvelac every day. A good idea anyway, since I need to detox from the pleomorphic organisms that were trapped in what the dentist told me, post-surgery, were TWO failed root canals (did you know root canals only last about 10 years?  The dentist who did them had never told me). He said, “We knew the front tooth’s root canal had failed, from the imaging, but the roots of the back one that I dug out were decayed, too, through the jaw bone!”

I am so glad, now, that I had this procedure done.

It’s a little weird to be missing two teeth, not gonna lie. Americans are conditioned to keep our teeth, cosmetic concerns over health, at any cost. (I intend to value the cosmetic and functional aspects, too, by getting an implant to replace the front tooth.)

My main thought is, what a travesty to spend so much energy eating the right food, juicing and blending vegetables, traveling all over Kingdom Come teaching others about it…..and having deadly pleomorphic organisms mutating and moving all around my body, undoing the good work that nutrition, and my body’s defenses, were doing.

Undoubtedly right now, there are millions of white blood cells frantically neutralizing, cleaning up in my body. This is a critical time for me to acknowledge and honor the work my body has to do, to adjust to the insult and eliminate the toxic organisms undoubtedly circulating everywhere right now.

I am more committed now than ever, to good nutrition. I want to keep my teeth healthy! I don’t want to face more dental decay. We live longer than people did back when infectious disease and dreadful working conditions were rampant. And we’re vain as a culture. So we have to have beautiful, straight, white teeth for, what, 75 years or more?

Two nights after my surgery, I was with my family, parents and siblings, listening to all the dental problems we have—we aren’t great for teeth, most of us. Eating an alkaline, low-sugar diet now seems even more important than ever. We can’t eat a rich, acidic diet and expect to have pretty teeth till we’re old.

I once went to a famous national park in China, where more centenarians live than anywhere else in the world. The drive into the park is lined with 20’ tall photos of those in the province who are over 100 years old. They were all toothless, except a few who had one or two teeth. To an American, it looks comical. But at what cost do we fossilize the teeth in our mouth? There have to be ways to have a pretty smile and NOT fill our mouth with metal and pleomorphic bacteria. I believe your best shot at doing that is with a good biological dentist.

This isn’t me giving you advice to have your teeth pulled. This is me suggesting you may want to see a biological (holistic) dentist. They have departed from the protocols of dentistry’s “standard of care” because they observed and self-educated to understand how devastating what they WERE doing is, for their patients, and then they sought out additional training to practice in far more helpful, more holistic procedures.

Books to read about dental practices and biological dentistry:

standard imageI recommend Root Canal Coverup by George E. Meinig et. al. (a great synopsis of Price’s vast research), The Roots of Disease: Connecting Dentistry & Medicine by Drs. Kuacz and Levy (DDS and MD / JD); Toxic Dentistry Exposed by Drs. Munro-Hall; Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care by Drs. Hal Huggins and Thomas E. Levy; Whole-Body Dentistry: A Complete Guide to Understanding the Impact of Dentistry on Total Health by Dr. Mark A. Breiner.


Posted in: Dental Health

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