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Psst! Don’t tell anyone I’m an M.D. recommending nutrition info!

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 03, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

A woman after class my class in St. George a few weeks ago said to me,

“I’m a nurse, and an E.R. doctor told me about your site. Then he said, ‘Don’t tell anyone I told you about this.'”

I have been told a number of times that an M.D. sent a reader to my site. I have mixed feelings about this. First of all, it’s great when an M.D. steps outside his medical training to acknowledge the profound role of nutrition in health and healing.

But I am struck, over and over, by the insanity of our “health care system” where a doctor can lose his license for recommending supplements or nutrition protocols. Or even for recommending a patient STOP a drug, if that drug is the “standard of care.”

My tenant and close friend is at her ideal weight and otherwise healthy besides being a Type 1 diabetic for 30 years. She recently succumbed to repeated pressure from her doctor to take a drug but didn’t tell me. A couple of months later, I told her I was very worried about her. She would stand up, after watching TV, and nearly pass out. She slept many hours, had no energy, and every day, crushing headaches had her emotional and desperate.

One day, even though she is normally a totally self-sufficient, competent, happy person, she crumbled and told me she needed help. I started making her a quart of veggie juice every other day. (I didn’t know about the new drug.) But a few days later, it occurred to her to discontinue the drug. All of the symptoms disappeared, she got in my sauna every day, and only days later, she said, “I am a new person.” She is very frustrated that her doctor constantly pushes a pill for this, a pill for that—and the toll on her health from following her advice was so devastating.

This is just one of the ways we have lost our health freedom: the fear any doctor has to live in, who wants to truly minister to a patient’s needs with whatever that takes.

A reader wrote me yesterday telling me she has been following GSG for a few years since she was a college student newlywed. Now she feeds her 10-month old baby green smoothies every day and has become a vegetarian. Her husband, who just started medical school, asked her to put together a vegetarian cookbook to give his patients when he graduates.

I love the open-mindedness of new med students. By the end of medical school, however, the doctors willing to do things like that, outside ‘standard of care,’ are precious few, nigh unto extinct. The credibility price, and the professional risk, is steep.

At a minimum, every last oncologist in the world should be monitoring patients’ Vitamin D levels and recommending supplementation. But virtually none do. Hundreds of studies now show that people who get enough Vitamin D have very low cancer risk. African Americans are at higher risk for cancers than anyone else, and they are the most deficient in Vita D.

Yet we run around in circles for the “Pink Ribbon” and other cancer campaigns, and where does that money go? Back to the drug companies. Whose most magnanimous act may be sending huge trailers into African American communities to do free mammograms.

This certainly feeds the cancer industry new patients, which cost insurance companies or Medicare dearly, as one course of chemo is $100k or more. (i.e. It’s NOT magnanimous.) Surgeries, radiation, another round of chemo, often a cancer patient’s bill is $1 million. Is it curing cancer though?

New research shows mammograms expose you to up to 700 times more radiation than a CT scan, highly carcinogenic. It isn’t even particularly effective, compared to harmless, inexpensive breast thermography. I believe thermography will stay way outside the mainstream for a long time yet, because mammography is huge business, just part of the $75 billion annual Cancer Industry.

When you find a tiny tumor in the breast in a routine screening, it may be many years from causing a health problem. But you can put that woman into chemotherapy and, since she’s healthy and in no jeopardy of the cancer causing a problem anyway, she artificially inflates the “chemotherapy success” statistics. Not because she’s “cured,” but because she survives chemo for five years.

(Hodgkin’s Disease is one of the 4 types of cancer the medical profession can actually claim good success with, using chemotherapy. However, 80% of Hodgkin’s patients treated with chemo develop leukemia or another cancer. Is that, then, a success?)

My original point, though, was that if the Pink Ribbon campaign were truly about saving people, they would fill that van with Vitamin D supplements to hand out.

Tomorrow I announce my next series of blog posts regarding my visits to Dr. Connealy in CA and Dr. Contreras in Tijuana!

Posted in: Health Concerns, Holistic Care, Lifestyle, Natural Remedies

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