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Product review: best nutritious frozen dessert

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 16, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I’m going to be reviewing my favorite products in the coming weeks, things people ask me about that I recommend–with links on where to get them, where possible.  Today you just have to know about the BEST, HIGH-NUTRITION FROZEN NON-DAIRY DESSERT for ice cream lovers.

I’ve been under a lot of stress lately because of a major life event/change.   So friends have been showing up on my porch, treats in hand.   (They know me, though, so they’re healthful treats!)   Yesterday was my favorite–”ice cream” made from coconut milk!

In the name of science, today I went to my local health food store and bought both brands to compare.   WOW, this stuff is so amazing.   And now I must brace myself that local readers will make a run for it and it will disappear from The Good Earth–like the young coconuts from my Asian place, and the sweet potato sticks from Costco (now discontinued).   Good thing I love you guys.   (I’d stock up in advance of the run, if my freezer weren’t newly packed with beet greens and peaches and bottles of homemade pesto!)

This coconut-milk ice cream is the best in terms of nutrition, because it’s just organic coconut milk, organic agave, and cocoa–short, simple ingredient list.  Much better than soy frozen desserts or even Rice Dream (still processed).

PURELY DECADENT by Turtle Mountain.   It’s the better option in two ways: it’s cheaper by about $1, and lower in calories. (Eat the whole pint? Only 600 calories compared to 840 for the other brand.)   Please note that you should buy the ones that say “Made With Coconut Milk”–this company also makes a soy-based frozen dessert with about 4x as many ingredients.

COCONUT BLISS.  It’s the better option in two ways: it uses organic, free-trade chocolate (rather than the other brand’s alkali-extracted cocoa), and it’s creamier.

Yes, I did eat the whole pint yesterday.   And today, I ate half of both pints.   (I had to sacrifice.   For science, you understand.)   No heavy, bloated, undigested feeling like I would get if I ate ice cream.

Anybody have a favorite nutrition product you’ve discovered that you’re excited about?   Share!

Posted in: Reviews, Whole Food

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