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One good thing

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 25, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Hey Robyn,

I just want to thank you for not focusing on what OTHER raw foods blogs tend to focus on.  They tend to bring me down with all this  talk about being kind to animals. Of COURSE we should be kind to animals…however…there’s this dark heavy vibe that a lot of people on a vegan/vegetarian diet tend to exude.  Which I think is totally COUNTER to the LIGHTNESS we are after, on a raw foods diet.  I haven’t been on it long, and yet I can sense this already. Yes, we should be kind to animals, however we should also be kind to PEOPLE..especially ourselves, which is the aim of a raw foods diet.  Hope I’m not being ‘politically incorrect’ in mentioning this; it’s just something that came to my attention today.

Bright Blessings, Shelly

Posted in: Eco Friendly Living, Health Concerns, High-Vibe Living, Whole Food

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