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Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 9 of 12

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 09, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Some stats on hormones and  antibiotics in our meat supply, and Mad Cow disease:

U.S. beef cattle that receive hormone implants: 90% (100% in larger feedlots)


Independent European Union scientists’ report on the effect of hormones added to U.S. beef: they are “complete carcinogens” (able to cause and promote cancer by themselves) (hormone 17 beta-oestradiol)


Antibiotics administered to people in the U.S. for treating disease: 3 million pounds


Antibiotics administered to livestock in the U.S. annually for purposes other than treating disease: 24.6 million pounds


Antibiotics administered to livestock in Demark annually for purposes other than treating disease: zero


Adverse health effects as a result of Denmark’s elimination of antibiotic use for purposes other than treating disease: none


Prevalance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in chickens in Denmark prior to ban on routine use of antibiotics: 82 percent


Prevalance three years after the ban: 12 percent


CJD or Mad Cow Disease: caused by feeding cows their own meat and bones


Still legal and widespread in the U.S.: feeding pigs and chickens their own bones, brains, meat scraps, feathers, and feces


Finding of Yale study examining brains of Alzheimers brains post-mortem: 13 percent of them actually had CJD or Mad Cow disease


How many Americans currently are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s: 4 million

Tell me: Why risk it?

Posted in: Lifestyle, Whole Food

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