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Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 6 of 12

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 05, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Are plant sources of protein sufficient?   Today, good stats about the need for protein:


Protein in human mother’s breast milk: 5 percent of calories


Minimum protein requirement according to the World Health Organization: 5 percent of calories


U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adult protein intake: 10 percent of calories


Percent of calories from protein in broccoli and spinach: more than 40 percent


Percent of calories from protein advocated for by Dr. Atkins, Dr. Sears (The Zone), etc.: 30 percent or more


Organizations that have condemned high-protein, low-carb diets: World Health Organization, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, American Dietetic Association, Surgeon General of the U.S., and American Institute for Cancer Research.


Two Barry Sears’ (The Zone Diet) quotes: “Humankind has been genetically unable to cope with . . . grains.”   Also, “About one-third of Americans are . . . suffering from protein malnutrition.”


Most of the human race for thousands of years has relied on, for most of its caloric energy: grains


Position paper quote from the American Dietetic Association:   “Plant sources of protein alone can provide adequate amounts of the essential and nonessential amino acids.   Conscious combining of these foods within a given meal as the complementary protein dictum suggests is unnecessary.”


Tell me: Have you given up the idea of needing to pack in more protein to your diet every day?   Or are you still clinging to some of that brainwashing you’ve received over many years?   Try it out.   Switch to plant sources of protein (or just quit worrying about protein altogether) and see what happens.   Give it some time, because  detox symptoms of going off meat/dairy are likely.

Posted in: Lifestyle, Whole Food

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