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Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 3 of 12

Robyn Openshaw - Sep 02, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

More today on whether dairy products contribute to health:


Calcium absorption rates according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:

                      Brussels sprouts                       64%

                      Mustard greens                       58%

                      Broccoli                                           53%

                      Turnip greens                         52%

                      Kale                                                     50%

                      Cow’s milk                                 32%


Suzanne Havala is a fellow of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and says this:

“Milk is species specific.   Each species’ milk is tailor-made for its own kind.   So how on Earth did people start drinking milk from cows?   Even adult cows don’t drink cow’s milk.   And if we drink cow’s milk, why stop there?   Why not drink dog’s milk?   Or bear’s milk?”


Neal Barnard, M.D., is president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.   He said this:   “The dairy industry continues to whitewash the dangers of cow’s milk.   The ubiquitous ‘milk mustache’ campaign makes misleading claims about milk preventing osteoporosis, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing sports performance.   Recent studies, including the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, have show that milk offers no protection against broken bones.   And, unlike prescription drug ads, the mustache ads don’t reveal the many unwanted side-effects of milk, among them increased risk of prostate and ovarian cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.”


Tell me: Is the “Got Milk?” ad campaign seeming stupider and more dishonest to you, every time you see a new paid celebrity with a milk mustache on the side of a bus? Eat less dairy and get your calcium from plant foods instead!

Posted in: Recipes, Whole Food

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