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natural infertility treatments

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 24, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

One of my first blog entries when I put this site up two years ago was about my infertility story. I forget about it sometimes, since I have four wonderful children ages 9 to 16 and that trial is behind me. But what a hard time that was. All the infertility treatments and drugs are things I wish I didn’t do. I didn’t know better at the time.  

Recently Craig and I and my girlfriends went to Utah’s figure and bodybuilding (female and male) competition at Cottonwood High School, to support my friend Jamie.   Jay Cutler, three-time and current Mr. Olympian, was a “guest poser.”  We were in Las Vegas two months ago when he won his third title (he had lost, in 2nd place, many times, to the same guy).

My goodness! Mr. Cutler is a freak of nature–or steroids–probably a combination of both!   People are not meant to be that huge. Craig says Cutler wakes up every two hours during the night to drink/eat protein powders / bars.   You’d have to, to support such massive muscle weight. This is not healthy–you probably already know if you read this site what I think about processed / fractionated soy and whey protein powders. I have hemp protein powder and SunWarrior raw fermented brown-rice protein powder for my teenage son, who asks for a protein shake every night at 10 p.m. For the rest of us, I believe we should trust nature to provide the right amounts of protein/carbs/fats in natural, whole foods, primarily from plants.

My two girlfriends I work out with, Jamie and Kristi, trained hard for a few months prior to Jamie’s competition. They ate nothing but protein (virtually no vegetables or fruits, even) for quite some time. It’s a way to bulk up, lean out, and cut up, but it’s not healthy to cut out complex carbohydrates with all their nutrition and fiber.

Jamie  and her husband have been going to Vaughn Johnson in Provo, Utah for natural-method infertility treatments.   I love that he told them, “You don’t need drugs–you need to address both of your hormone imbalances [Jake is a former competitive bodybuilder]. And we can do that naturally.”

I am very impressed than a local M.D. isn’t sucked into the pressure to promote drugs and surgery as a way to address infertility issues. I wanted to pass that name along to anyone local who is struggling with infertility.

I also found this Toni Wechsler’s book Taking Charge of Your Fertility extremely helpful in solving my own problems 15 years ago. They never found anything wrong with me or him, and  having read the book, I  believe it was the medical intervention, ironically enough, that was sabotaging our efforts to start our family.   (I wish I’d found the book a few years earlier, before lots of drugs and 4 artificial inseminations and losing my oldest son’s twin.) I highly recommend it to anyone struggling to conceive.  

Posted in: Health Concerns, Holistic Care, Natural Remedies, Whole Food

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