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Last comments about WHY BUY BLENDTEC rather than VitaMix

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 30, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

By the way, a nice thing about having two machines (or three, like I have) is that as a GSG evangelist, you want to lend someone a machine. I *always* have my second VM lent out. For a while my cleaning lady had it while she saved for her own, and currently my teaching assistant, Parker, has it, because he’s a Brigham Young University wide receiver and needs more energy. It’s usually one of my starving university students who identifies himself as having health problems or an interest in nutrition I lend it to. You cannot believe how many of my students (average age: 21) have Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, chronic constipation or diarrhea, energy problems, Epstein Barr, brain tumor, energy problems, and much more. Every semester I have one or two bring me the university form to show me they have a disability related to chronic, diet-related health problems. It’s the university’s way of saying, “Sometimes this student can’t even get out of bed, so please be understanding and work with her.”

I’ve never had one of them start making GS  who didn’t have a very exciting improvement in health problems.
So, to summarize:

BlendTec vs. VitaMix (which are the same price):

BlendTec’s square container design has a wide base allowing you to scrape the food out easily, avoiding wasted food like the VM causes, which drives me nuts when I make something thick. The BlendTec fits under your kitchen counter, unlike the very tall VM. It travels so much more easily than the VM because the base is more compact and fits neatly in a suitcase. It doesn’t require you to muscle the food in physically with the tamper–centrifugal force does the work. It blends grain into flour without requiring you to purchase a separate $80 “dry” container. If you have a big family, you can get an extra-large container if you want, only with BlendTec. The blade on the BlendTec has a lifetime warranty, which is huge since if you use it a lot, blades eventually dull. Last but not least, it’s just more powerful–3 hp compared to VM’s 2.5.

I want EVERYONE to have this very important tool, which I consider not just the coolest and most important thing I own in my kitchen, but the coolest and most important thing I own, PERIOD.


Posted in: Tools & Products

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