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It Was Exhausting Writing All Those Books

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 22, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I got a call last night from my fulfillment company, saying we are getting low on 12 Steps: Complete Course, and I needed to autograph 200 books (The Green Smoothies Diet) and get them there by the next morning.

I was leaving for Cade’s baseball game and then Tennyson’s and wouldn’t be home till 11 p.m.

So I loaded several boxes of books in the car, took a couple of pens, and sat in the bleachers signing piles of books all night.

Tennyson came out of the dugout to chat with me at one point, and his buddy followed him over. I heard him whisper, incredulously, “Ten! Did your mom write ALL of those books?”

LOL! I love kids!

Speaking of, I have written a draft of Green Kids Rock Out Loud (or whatever the name ends up being). It’s a book about nutrition for kids age 3-9.

Two questions for you!

One, do you know a book illustrator who does colorful, fun illustrations? So far the ones I’m talking to need 9-12 months to do the work.

Two, would you let me interview your child who eats lots of healthy plant food, and is fairly chatty by nature? I’d do this by phone, asking just a few simple questions. If I use your child’s testimonial, you’ll get the book free. Even better, you’ll help get this book out. I was dismayed to survey the children’s literature on nutrition: not impressive. Thus this effort. I think it’s really needed.

If you know a book illustrator or want to participate in the testimonials, please write Jenni and Jackie at support123 at Tell me your phone number and your child’s name and age. J&J will forward it on to me.


Posted in: Relationships, Tools & Products

16 thoughts on “It Was Exhausting Writing All Those Books”

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  1. Robyn, what about me????? i would love to do your illustrations….email me. i am emailing at to tell them too.

    _Lori Sume

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just an idea… I would be much more prone to buying a book if it had actual pictures rather than illustrations. I would love to see pics of kids enjoying eating healthy foods. Most parents equate unhappy kids with healthy foods… and they don’t want to fight the fight. I really think you could help that change that image with real photographs!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Shellie . . . I have been thinking about that. Photo shoot versus illustrations. I can think of pros and cons of both!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think a good combo of both could be nice.

    I have just started the venture over the past few months of green smoothies with my kids. my 16 month old LOVES them, and after a few struggles of getting my 5 year old daughter to drink them when i make them, she slurps them down now without an issue. she also loves most fruit and a lot of vegetables, although there is progress to make.

    we have SO much more to learn and do though. I recently just ordered the blendtec and 12 step book. I’m very excited to be starting a lot of these changes and I agree that there is a lack of true nutrition information for kids. I cannot wait to buy the book!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn –

    We are new to Green Smoothies (March) but my daughter Hannah, who is now 16, has been a vegetable/fruit girl since her toddler days. We have often joked how she prefers fruit to regular kid treats. She has always preferred fruit and veges and eats a ton of them – all day long – a handful of carrots here, an apple there, a few cherries, a bananna – all day long (she is a thin girl). She loves all veges including spinach, brussel sprouts, squash and the typicals as well (broccoli, carrots, califlower, etc). I used to steam fresh veges for dinner most nights – now I whip up green smoothies. Hannah’s email is She is medium-chatty.

    My twin daughters, who are 14, also eat and enjoy an abundance of fruits and veges but they love a good brownie. Given the choice the twins (who are super chatty) would go for the cookie, Hannah would go for the fruit.

  5. Anonymous says:

    My sister is a children’s book illustrator. She is really good (The Fairy Chronicles – among others). Actually both of my sisters have published books with their illustrations (Rufus at Work– It doesn’t look like the links are going to work, sorry….. Usually, the publisher picks the illustrator instead of the writer. Do you self-publish? Also… husband and I do the photography thing. We’d love to show you our portfolio now that we have finally moved to the area.

    This is a book that I desperately need. I don’t know if you ever have personal consults, but I would love to meet you. My son has many allergies and has become pretty food phobic. I am hoping to get him on green smoothies and turn his health around.

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Hey Maren, please write support123 at with all that info, thank you. I have gone with a publisher, and I have self-published, and I infinitely prefer self-publishing, especially because my books are already pretty widely known and this site has a big following. So I am not starting from scratch and don’t “need” a publisher to distribute/promote. There are things my publisher did (like making me name my last book with “DIET” in the title, UGH!) that I don’t like. Self-publishing, I get to call all the shots and publish exactly the book I want to publish.

      I don’t do personal consultation just for lack of time. 🙁 Wish there were more hours in the day.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the links worked afterall.

  7. Anonymous says:


    I was forwarded this post from a friend who follows your blog (very cool by the way!)

    I am an artist and attend the art institute in Seattle. I would love to talk about the illustrations your looking and can create them in whatever style you feel would be the right aesthetics for your book.

    Please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Having lost over 170 lbs myself I know and can appreciate the importance of proper nutrition and anything I can do to help educate and mold childrenpeople and bring awareness to healthy eating is pretty awesome ( I have very picky 6 year old twins , so I can relate 100%)

    Thanks- Ali

    Thanks – Ali

  8. Anonymous says:

    do you want a testimonial from my 4-year old? really you could ask what his favorite food is and he would say, “salad” I don’t know what else he would contribute but I do have great pics of them eating their salads (along with my 2 year old you always asks for , “more salad.”

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Lala, yes I do. I am thinking about how to get genuine quotes and information from the very young child. I have you on a list I’m keeping that I’ll use when I figure out how I want to do the interviews–thanks!

  9. If you ask my three year old what her favorite foods are she’ll say “oatmeal, pizza, and chips”. It drives me crazy since it sounds like the SAD diet, but in reality is far from it! When she could eat oatmeal (we’re grain free now) it was loaded with nuts, fruit and chia. Also, our pizza crust is made from cauliflower and by “chips” she means dehydrated mangos! sigh. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    I have a 9-year-old son who is very developmentally delayed…his verbal ability is limited but he asks me to make him smoothies daily…and always asks for “MORE SMOOTHIE PLEASE”. I struggle with my other two kids (ages 4 and 6), but Sammy knows what is best. Even when my efforts taste bitter to me and my husband, Sammy drinks them down without a second thought! It’s awesome!!

  11. Anonymous says:


    I have a 9 year old (March birthday) who loves his green smoothies. You can telephone and if you would like, I could take a photo of him holding and drinking his green smoothie (Spinach, mango and banana) and it is totally green!

    Anything that will help to encourage a child/parent to increase greens and nutrient dense, enzymes in the diet. I think this is what will change the world, not the crazy diets. They never work!

    Let me know.


  12. Anonymous says:

    Also, if it would help (as I haven’t even spoken to my little guy) I can have them all in the photo (my two older- kids 2 are older than my 9 year old) toasting with their green smoothies. We all drink them every day.

    It might show a nice support for the younger ones with the older siblings joining in.

    Anyway, happy to help in any way.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I recently attended your private class in Layton with my mom who has been talking about Green Smoothie Girl for a year while I just shook my head (she ran up and talked to you the second she got there). I have to say I’m converted, my six-year-old is an amazingly healthy eater and loved the idea of making a green smoothie, she was actually a little disappointed that the end product wasn’t green….haha! She eats raw spinach by the handful and loves anything that’s helfy (healthy), I will e-mail support if you want to interview her. Also, I can tell your not short on ideas for your book, but she is my little artist she’s working on some books of her own. If you want any children’s artwork in your book, she would love to help!

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