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Is GreenSmoothieGirl Vegetarian?

Robyn Openshaw - Jul 21, 2018 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

is greensmoothiegirl vegetarian

I recorded a Facebook Live video, answering the #1 question I get asked: “Is GreenSmoothieGirl vegetarian?” You’ll also hear:

  • Whether you have to be vegetarian to be healthy
  • Why the politics of vegetarians and vegans often hurts their cause
  • How I feel about the food choices my kids are making, now that they’re on their own
  • The years-long health challenge I had that led me to add bone broth protein to my diet
  • The very worst form of meat–you should never eat it!
  • The caveat everyone should hear before they eat wheat
  • The four most important words I hope you’ll remember from watching the video
  • The diet that produces the largest number of people living past 100, worldwide
  • Why the controversy over lectins is a tempest in a teapot
  • The most effective health practice for strong, straight teeth, that dentistry pioneer Weston Price learned in his worldwide study (hint: it’s not whether people brushed and flossed)

Here’s that video!

Note: the promo mentioned in the video is not currently active, but check out our current Deal of the Month at!

robyn wearing purple

— Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is a single mom of four salad-eating, adulting kids. She has a FREE video masterclass you can sign up for here, to learn how she got herself, and her kids, off the Standard American Diet, to lose 70 pounds and ditch 21 diagnosed diseases.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Dental Health, Detox, Lifestyle, Whole Food

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