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How to become a VEGETABLE ADDICT

Robyn Openshaw - Oct 03, 2010 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

You want to get your whole family addicted to raw vegetables? Even kids? I’ve got the secret key to that! Check out this video I did with Doug Holmes:

You’re going to have a tough time shifting to a mostly plant-based diet unless you learn to make lots of salads you love.

(Step 2 of 12 Steps to Whole Foods is all about that–yummy and highly varied with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, legumes, sprouts, and more. And Step 3 is lots of recipes for fabulous dressings with all whole-foods ingredients.)

But dressing selections in grocery stores, if you’re not going to make your own, are appalling. And even if you’re willing to make salad dressings of your own, it’s nice to have some on hand for convenience.

All the dressings in the grocery store are made with refined oils. Even health-food stores have little or nothing that’s truly nutritious–let alone raw and organic.

(See Step 4 about why refined oils are so toxic–in that chapter I ask you to throw them out of your pantry and never buy them again.)

And don’t get me started on the prevalence of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, preservatives, toxic refined salt, and even monosodium glutamate, in most salad dressings.

There was nothing decent on the market. Nothing!

Enter my friend Ruth, a raw-lifestyle goddess who looks 20 years younger than she is. She is the salad dressing guru. For years we’ve all been begging her to make her completely amazing 100% raw, organic salad dressings available commercially.

Finally it’s arrived: Sun Drenchers Salad Dressings. You will try them once–any of the three flavors–and you will never buy another Kraft or even Paul Newman salad dressing again! You will beeline right for the produce section and buy all kinds of veggies you’ve never bought before–just for something to “drench” in your new favorite dressing.

Italian, Ruth’s fave: you can marinate anything in–like quinoa and any chopped veggies.

Honey Mustard–your kids won’t be able to get enough of it.

Asian, Robyn’s fave–you’ll be addicted. (Sprinkle some sesame seeds on chopped cabbage, toss in dressing, and voila!)

(Coming soon, two new flavors: Catalina, and Golden Flax.)

These dressings are even tested to be stable for 3 years on the shelf. (Keep refrigerated after opening, though.)

The oils are cold-pressed, so your body loves them, to nourish lipids in every cell with critical Omega fatty acids to keep you youthful.

Sun Drenchers uses all organic plant ingredients, certified raw, totally vegan, non-dairy, processed in a gluten-free environment.

No added sugar, salt, or preservatives.

View ingredients for Sun Drenchers dressings here.

Posted in: Whole Food

18 thoughts on “How to become a VEGETABLE ADDICT”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These sound great, but the first ingredient is Agave? Can’t do it. Too much controversy against Agave. Thanks anyway.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I would love to try the dressings too but the cost is a bit high. Maybe they will sell at a local store here in northern california soon?

    If they do someone let me know please!

  3. Anonymous says:

    like your hair… 🙂

  4. Anonymous says:


    Are you able to give contact information for Ruth or Doug? I cannot find any contact information on their website other than to sign up for an account which I don’t want to bother with. I wanted to ask them when those of us who live in Orange county, southern california can expect to seem in them in stores like Whole Foods…



    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Write us at and we’ll send your email to Doug.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I saw and tried Sun Drenchers last spring when they came to Good Earth, and they are absolutely wonderful! However, for $10+ per bottle, I can make my own at home in ten minutes including gathering up all the ingredients (30 seconds blending time) for a WHOLE lot less! They are convenient, though when traveling and in a pinch like I was last spring…

    Love your blog, love the information, love you lots.


  6. I can’t tell you how excited I am to learn about these Robyn! Thank you so much! I hunted some down yesterday at Good Earth and we tried the Italian last night. Yummo indeed!!! I’m signed up to hear you speak at Good Earth this week too and am bringing a bunch of friends ~ can’t wait!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    If these dressings are raw, how do you ship them in a group buy situation to maintain the nutritional value? don’t they have to stay refrigerated?

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Debbie, they actually have tested them, and with the seal they use, they are shelf stable 3 years. You just need to refrigerate after opening.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I too am worried about agave–any agave. There is one brand of excellent salad dressings on the market which does use olive oil and that is Bragg — at about half the price. I also went to Sundrencher’s website and it says they are out of stock on all three flavors-must be selling pretty well. Would love to see it in our local L.A. Whole Foods.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn, I’d love to buy the recipes, but I couldn’t find it on Sun Drenchers. Do you know where I can get the recipes?

    Thanks for all you do!

    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Hi Camille, Ruth is 6-8 weeks out from releasing her book with recipes. I don’t know if they are the Sun Drenchers recipes, exactly, or others with more perishable ingredients.

  10. Anonymous says:

    On their website it said that you could find the dressings at Smiths. There was none at the Smiths in Payson. I guess I’ll drive to Provo.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Woot, these sound great! I’m wondering about shelf life after they are opened. A lot of “healthy” dressings I’ve found only last a couple weeks after they are opened…. even in the fridge.

    And I love your hair, too! <3

  12. Anonymous says:

    Um ok, I’ll be buying some just to get my kids to eat more salad, and I admit myself. I’ll ask Natural Groceries (in St. George) if they have this product, chances are they will order some in just cause I asked. They have before. These videos are great, keep making your vids, they are Awesome. Kat

  13. Anonymous says:

    I can get Bragg organic dressings in lonely ol Fargo, ND. They are also a good option. Organic olive oil and raw apple cider vinegar.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Blendtec was just on The History Chanel. It showed how they test and what it can do. The Blendtec even ground metal!

  15. Do you know if you can find the sun drencher dressing anymore…or Ruths recipe book anymore? I loved them… help!

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