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How Does Dehydration Effect the Heart: Part 2 of 6 on Water

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 05, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

(Yes, sorry, I’m aware “effect” should be “affect,” but that’s the search phrase people use according to my research assistant, Steff:   how does dehydration effect the heart!)


Dr. B studied over 3,000 peptic ulcer patients and found that all of them responded favorably to being hydrated.   Though his theories have gained much traction thanks to his doggedness, since the 1980’s, still so many of us are calling “liquids” or “fluids” our hydration, and we’re not drinking much water.   Dr. B says absolutely nothing stands in the place of pure water. In fact, sugar or caffeine in a beverage have their own agendas that compete with water’s agenda.   To put it very simply, they not only confuse the body’s signals that it needs water, but they defeat water’s purpose.


Now, in 2008, one or two fringe voices are telling us, hey, water’s not that big of a deal.   Go ahead and count your soda as “fluids” for the day.   Beware of these voices; they have no real evidence, that critical “reliability” standard in research.


Dr. B’s research showed that chronic pain involved in a number of “disorders” can often be treated easily and without drugs or expensive diagnostics, with water.   Those include dyspeptic pain (for instance, heartburn, gastritis, duodenitis), rheumatoid arthritis, anginal pain, low back pain, intermittent claudication (leg pain when walking), migraines, hangovers, colitis, and constipation.


I am revising Ch. 1 of 12 Steps to include an additional focus, as well, on drinking water (while we’re eliminating soda).   I believe this will help with the cleansing reactions that some have while incorporating intensively excellent good nutrition in the form of green smoothies, as the body recognizes that no more acid soft drinks are coming in, and outstanding building materials are taking its place.   Lots of water is critical in getting through any cleansing reaction you may have as you undertake a whole-foods lifestyle and abandon the toxic foods you were eating before.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Health Concerns, Preventive Care

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