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How Do I Use Green Smoothies for Weight Loss?

Robyn Openshaw - Oct 30, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: how do you get started on the green smoothie weight loss program? Please let me know I am interested.

Answer: In my book The Green Smoothies Diet, I cover three different programs you can do. One is a three-day green fast for detoxifying your organs of elimination. Giving them a break from digestion every now and then is a great idea.

The second plan is a 30-day fat burner cleanse for weight loss. This is very frankly the best way I know to do what’s RIGHT for your body, nourishing it, while losing weight as quickly as is safe and healthy–and possible for a person with the many demands of an active lifestyle. I really fret when I see the ways that most people go about “dieting.” Most of them are destructive. Even Weight Watchers’ “point” system doesn’t make a peep about avoiding those acidic processed foods that are harming us in more ways than their calorie density. And you can read elsewhere on this blog about what I think about the “diet doctors.”

You’ll feel supercharged doing that weight loss program because it is first of all targeting your health, and weight loss is just a wonderful side benefit!

And third you can do the green smoothie for life (permanent lifestyle change) program. I hate to call this a program, in fact, because program implies a short duration. It’s how my family and I live.


Posted in: Detox, Healthy Weight, Tools & Products

5 thoughts on “How Do I Use Green Smoothies for Weight Loss?”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Its a great book. I have a question about “12 Steps” though. A few weeks ago, I was reading around your site and I came across a bit of information that you were publishing a 12 steps kit. Now I can’t find that info anywhere. I have held off ordering off your site because I would prefer to have it in book form. Can you tell me the status of this project?


    1. Robyn Openshaw says:

      Jenni here, GSG Admin

      Hi Lachell,
      Yes and it should be ready in a couple weeks. Just stay posted! Have a great day!


  2. Anonymous says:

    not fair, now that I had already purchased online and downloaded:(

  3. Anonymous says:


    I have purchased the Blendtec and your book and have been drinking green smoothies for 2 weeks, almost a quart a day. For the most part I use spinach and I have never suffered from tendonitis before but now my elbow is having pain. My husband has had bouts with both tendonitis and gout and has been drinking a pint a day. I did read in your material that suggested spinach might be the cause of this. Can you address this problem.

    We both are trying to lose weight, drink nothing but water, and I have problems with my gall bladder (which I still have thanks to cleanses). I have heart palpations when I ingest MSG so have been careful of it for 6 or more years. I don’t eat much meat however my husband thinks he can’t live without it.

    I tried juicing but it was too time consuming, however I am considering doing it again 2 or 3 times a week with carrots for my smoothies. I do have trouble with hypoglycemia and am not a big fruit eater. Would this be better for weight loss than the fruit and agave nectar. I absolutely love the nectar. Had seen it but never knew it was this wonderful.

    I have just broken an ankle and am also drinking the smoothies to help it heal faster. I have a garden with spinach, lettuce and swiss chard that I hope to overwinter.

    I appreciate any help you can give me on this subject. I am so glad I found you and I now feel hope that I can turn my body around. I am 56 and know if I don’t it now I will regret it later. You are doing a wonderful work for all of us and have really been a huge help already. Blessings.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I bought your Green Smoothie diet book through the Sony ereader store. I’ve been making green smoothies for the past 2 weeks now. After I bought your book I also bought Victoria Boutenko’s “Green For Life” book.

    I’ve been on Weight Watchers for 3 months and I decided to make green smoothies as a way to add more veggies to my plan. I’ve lost 29 pounds so far & the green smoothies really help with afternoon food cravings.

    I’ve been ordering some of the items mentioned in your book to add to the smoothies too.

    thanks, Rhoda

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