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GSG is sick. Don’t tell anyone.

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 22, 2014 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

So I’ve been a little too braggy lately. I wrote this blog entry recently about “I haven’t had the flu in more than 10 years,” and “I’m healthy even though everyone around me is hacking up a lung,” and it just posted.

Oh, how the mighty fall. I just went back and edited my previous blog. No more bragging for this girl. Not so mighty now, am I?

I flew to Las Vegas last week and felt a little weird thing in my lungs. Started coughing a little. Now, five days later, it’s still there. But worse, because I sound like I have laryngitis.

Here’s the good news. I never felt sick. I have continued hour-long running and cycling and yoga, as usual. I did my three-city speaking tour, no problem except for my voice. My friends and I played in Las Vegas, like we normally do, although only one late night.

But… night I cough my head off for an hour, trying to go to sleep. No fun!

I’m grateful that “getting sick” on the rare occasion it happens now, is a completely different animal than it was in my 20’s. Getting sick over and over, and I mean REALLY sick, throughout the winter, wrecked my life for years.

My immune system is strong only insofar as I take good care of it.

We had a down day in Vegas, and went in the steam room for some R&R. We went to Whole Foods Markets in NV and AZ where I consumed wheat grass juice, 12 oz green juices, and garlic/lemon/ginger shots.

I know people here in Utah who were in bed for a week with this bronchial thing. Several I know were in the hospital, and I even know of a 43-year old lady here in Orem who died of the flu this month.

We are all fallible. Winter reminds me to be really vigilant about my own health as well as my family’s health.

Posted in: Health Concerns, Lifestyle, Natural Remedies, Whole Food

13 thoughts on “GSG is sick. Don’t tell anyone.”

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  1. Jeff Andersen says:

    GSG, guessing you’ve done this, but sometimes in our busy lives simple things get overlooked. Have you had your Vit D level checked lately ? Get well soon. Jeff in Illinois

  2. Denae says:

    Glad to know you are human 🙂 (not getting sick for 10 years is crazy cool) & glad you are feeling better… makes me want to follow your tips more often!

  3. gdbanditt says:

    I hope you feel better! Also, I can’t seem to email Dr. Mariza, I have some questions for her regarding the essential oils. Maybe you can direct me to the right source. Thanks, Corinne.

  4. Bethany says:

    Haha, I’m glad you can own up to it, Robyn. My family and I don’t get sick very often, either, but it always seems to happen just when I’ve been bragging about it! 🙂

  5. Madison says:

    Although we can eat healthily and exercise for our bodies, we must never forget that there is one in charge of us. God. He gives us health and can take it away. You are giving too much credit to greens and not to the one that makes them. Because of God, we have greens, fruits, someone invented DoTerra, etc…

  6. Polly Hada says:

    Please tell us “how” you used the OnGuard. Would you suggest using it as a precaution?

  7. Jeff says:

    Have you checked your Vitamin D levels recently ? My family has maintained a D level of 50ng and above the last 3 yrs, and none of us has suffered even a cold. We’re quite amazed

  8. mooreganics says:

    Once again, love your honesty Robyn! Our whole family was hit with illness right before Christmas (although it hit me more mentally with worry than actual “flu-like” illness). My husband still has a lingering cough a few weeks after seeing the doctor. Whatever “this” is going around, it’s everywhere.

    I was so upset that my kids were so sick…I mean I had them eating well, drinking smoothies or green juices, good sleep, etc. Then it hit me, sometimes we just get sick so our bodies can ward off new viruses…and because I am fairly good with our eating etc. our immune systems are WORKING! I had the incorrect thinking that if I did X-Y-Z, no one would EVER get sick. Hmmm, that just isn’t reality is it? This is also a big lesson for me in that I am being reminded I am not the one control, but rather Him that has saved me.

    So your post is rather timely along with another friend/blogger that was down with the flu over Christmas; two women I admire who have taught me much in my learning to make healthy choices lifestyle are just as “human” as I am….sometimes we do get sick despite steller lifestyle choices, but then we get better much quicker than had we not cared for ourselves properly.

    Thanks for making a difference!

  9. Chris W. says:

    I have been using On Guard every day since last June. Each morning, I put one drop of it in a cup of water or herb tea and drink it down. I have heard of others that rub it on the bottoms of their feet each night when they go to bed. Each day I am around children in the schools as I work as a substitute teacher. I was not sick at all in the fall, although many nasty illnesses were spreading like wildfire. Over the Christmas break, I did get the same thing as Robyn–a cough and some throat congestion. However, I never felt sick and kept on with my normal activities! I doubled the On Guard and never got really sick. It is amazing, as I used to pick up many of the germs brought to school!!

  10. Pattyt says:

    about your flu problem, an old friend gave me this recipe about 30 years ago. I have pass it on to many doctors and nurses.They actually ask me for the recipe.
    this took the place of the inhalers I was using for my asthma.
    this is the best recipe ever to fight flu, indigestion, pneumonia, a constant cough, asthma attack whatever.It even cleared up my daughter’s ulcer.
    Here goes: 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons boiling water, mix and drink, do this about 3-4 times during the day and then before bed. your voice should be up and ready the next day. you should sleep soundly during the night, if you wake up coughing, sip some more and go back to sleep, I make it by the gallon and keep it on the cabinet. friends and relatives come by for emergency when they need a relief.
    I have been drinking this for 30 years.

  11. bloomerjc says:

    It’s funny how something can help you heal or your family heal but they dismiss the stuff you gave them as the helping agent! My 15 year old got a sore throat. From past experience I have gargled with on guard (1 drop) and lemon oil (2-3 drops) with a little water a couple of times a day and the sore throat never lasts more then 1/2 – 3/4 of the day. I also use the Nano sprays. So, I had my son gargle and take the sprays and voila – he was feeling great with no more sore throat the next day! He says he isn’t sure if the stuff I gave him helped! What? Too funny. A least I know it works! P.S. be sure to wear lip balm while doing this because the lemon oil can dry your lips out big time!

  12. Kaye says:

    We have found that Dr. Richard Schulze’s Cold and Flu Tonic (herbal/wild harvested/organic) works like a charm both for prevention n cure. Check it out. His site is We swear by his formulas! God bless folks like Robyn n Dr. Schulze. <3

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