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Make-Ahead Green Smoothies To Go, That Even Kids Will Love!

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 06, 2014 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links


Coach Barbara Jennings

Dr. Barbara Jennings, D.C.

Dr. Barbara Jennings, D.C., is one of the busiest people I know, but also tremendously knowledgeable about holistic health. She healed herself of a very serious auto-immune condition many years ago, with plant-based nutrition. She lost weight and regained her energy, and like me, never wants to go back to that dark place.

Dr. Barbara has provided photos here of the way she makes smoothies in a bag, either to freeze or to go. Here’s what she told me:

barbara bagsWith 7 kids, I learned pretty quickly that I save a lot of time and the kids are much more likely to get a “mom approved” smoothie every day if I put everything I want them to have in a smoothie bag. I can either put them in the freezer or in the fridge for the next day.

The gallon size bag is for my husband or me; the quart size bags are for the kids.  You cannot fit ingredients for a full quart of smoothie in a quart size bag.

If you look closely, you’ll see hemp hearts and almonds or walnuts at the bottom of each bag. I also try to use four different greens in every smoothie, so each bag contains collard greens, kale, chard, and spinach. This is a recipe that every one of my six “big kids” (ages 15 – 20) AND my 4-year-old will drink! It evolved over many months, and this is where we’ve settled for a daily smoothie where everyone is happy.

I’m happy because kids get about 15 servings of raw greens and fruits, nuts, good protein and fats. Kids are happy because it’s sweet enough for their palate. (I introduced green smoothies to kids who were eating the standard American diet until six years ago. So it’s a little too sweet for me, but sweet enough for them.)

If you’ve been to one of my classes, this is the one I usually demonstrate.

barbara bag 2I call this Barbara ‘s Daily Double

2 C water (or coconut water, or water kefir)
1/4 fresh whole organic lemon with rind
1-2 leaves kale (depends on size)
1-2 leaves collard greens (depends on size)
1 leaf chard
2 handfuls spinach
2 C fruit
2 squirts liquid stevia

Optional Extras at my house: raw almonds, walnuts,  cashews, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, maca, GreenSmoothieGirl protein powder, GreenSmoothieGirl Tri- Omega Blend, GreenSmoothieGirl Sprouted Flax, raw cacao powder.

Note: we have a cross-country runner and a wrestler who are seniors in high school. Wrestlers usually starve themselves to cut weight so they qualify for their weight class. Fortunately our boys have green smoothies to drink while all the other kids are starving and dehydrating themselves. The Jennings boys can effectively cut weight or run 6 miles, yet receive all the good nutrition and even the ENERGY that they need! It’s a terrific win-win.

Last but not least, our sophomore plays football,  and this is the perfect breakfast before a big workout with lots of running.

WATCH: Save money on fruit for green smoothies by cutting your own pineapple, melons, etc., instead of buying pre-cut–a “Retro Robyn” video demonstrates how to cut up fruits!

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Recipes, Relationships

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