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Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 8

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 02, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Locals only, Sat. night midnight the group buy ends.   Here’s the link to get VitaMineral Green and agave cases, gallon pails of coconut oil, and nuts/seeds in #10 cans:


More green smoothie testimonials from my research:


I have been drinking green smoothies for almost a year now. They are delicious and refreshing. I have had to travel during that time period which caused me to abandon my smoothie for 10 days and I have REALLY felt the effects (fatigue). I will never stop drinking green smoothies!


I have been telling all my friends about the green smoothies and converted several of them to start drink them on a daily basis. My friends are all west coast dancers and energy is important for the 4-5 hours of dancing we do 2-3 nights weekly.


I have had an iron deficiency most of my life and the green smoothies have helped tremendously!I am losing less hair in the shower as a result.My daughters (age 6, 7, and 10) love the green smoothies!They even ask for them now and love watching me make them.It is so good to be able to give them a way to get good veggies in their diet without fighting with them.Thank you for changing our way of life.

–JoAnn Y. in Denver, CO

I have become so converted to green smoothies that I became concerned as to how to continue them in case of disaster or hard economic times when I might be unable to purchase fresh produce. So I started dehydrating the spinach, kale and parsley I grew in my garden this year. I then powdered the dried leaves and now use it during the winter to make my green smoothies.

For the juice base, I use frozen raw apple cider that my husband grinds fresh each fall with his leftover apples (he is a fruit farmer). It is now January and I use the following recipe for my super green smoothies:

I rehydrate in 1 cup hot water the following: 2 tsp. powdered kale + 1/2 tsp. powdered parsley or 2 1/2 tsp. powered spinach. Blend well and let sit for about 10 minutes until cooled. Then add 3 cups apple juice (raw, unpasteurized), 2 frozen bananas, 1 1/2 Tbsp. freshly ground flax seed, and water and ice to the 7-cup mark and thoroughly blend. This is a great option when I cannot get to the grocery store.

–Cindy P. (Alpine, Utah)

Green smoothies are now a daily part of my life! I have much more energy now and GS is a complete meal, more nutritious than eating out! I have been a vegetarian for 30 years and this has definitely improved my health! As a teacher (now retired) and a lifeguard for the Kentucky State Park System for 32 summers, green smoothies help me to stay in great shape!

–Steve House

Posted in: Green Smoothies

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