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Green Smoothie Testimonials, part 6

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 29, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

I have a bajillion of these, and I’ll talk about other stuff sometimes and sprinkle these in, just to keep you motivated with others’ fun tales of their health improving:

I tried the green smoothie after juicing for several years. Juicing was expensive and demanded a lot of time and work extracting the juice from the fiber and cleaning the juicer. Blended raw foods made a lot of sense and I did not need to be converted on the idea.


When I began drinking the green smoothie I weighed 285 lbs. One year later I weigh 240 lbs.  Daily workouts have contributed as much to my weight loss as any other factor. However, the benefits of the green smoothie as I experienced them are as follows:


1.  Drinking the green smoothie changed my bowel movement habits, which are now frequent (2-3 times a day) and regular.

2.   The green smoothie is my pre-workout, first thing in the morning food. I have been surprised at the energy it sustains throughout my workout.

3.  The green smoothie fills me up without slowing me down. It satisfies my hunger and cravings till early in the afternoon.  It has curbed my overall appetite thus decreasing the overall calories I consume in a day.

4. I find that the green smoothie helps my digestion, especially with the foods that do not digest well. I eat a lot of lean meat and I feel the organic raw food in my gut facilitates digestion and elimination of meat.

5. Beginning my day with green smoothie drinks and working out provides me the momentum, nutrition, and motivation to eat a strict lean diet throughout the rest of the day.


The green smoothie has lived up to the expectations I had.  Several of the above benefits caught me totally by surprise.  I have been drinking green smoothies every morning for the past year.  They have served me well.  Now that I have lost the weight I needed, I have significantly increased my strength and energy.  My new goals are not to lose any more weight but to increase my overall lean muscle mass. My idea is to begin drinking green smoothies twice a day rather than just once in the morning.


–Gregg L.


I started drinking green smoothies and doing about 80% to 95% raw to help improve my migraine headaches. I lost 51 pounds in six months and I feel great. I am 47 years old, and I teach at an alternative high school.   It can be very stressful working with at-risk youth. I have seen my mood and attitude improve so much since I started adding green smoothies as my breakfast.


My favorite is 2 bananas, 1 large apple, 2 kale leaves, 6-8 dandelion greens, 2 large handfuls fresh spinach, some wheatgrass juice, 2 cups water and 1 cup of ice. Blend and I have breakfast and my afternoon snack. This great stuff and I will not ever go back to eating the way I used to with fast and processed foods.


–Carol N.


Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Green Smoothies, Health Concerns, Healthy Weight

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