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Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 11

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 19, 2009 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

More Green Smoothie testimonials from my research:

My husband and I have been enjoying green smoothies 6-7 times a week for the past 9 months. We are hooked! In fact, we went on vacation for a week and missed our BlendTec blender and green smoothie so much, we could hardly wait to get back home to start again. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer three years ago, and the doctor consistently was removing new tumor sites every three months.

Once we found the Green Smoothie site, got our blender, and started making the smoothies, he has consistently been clear of any new tumors. His latest colonoscopy this year was also clear, he has more energy, and feels healthy and strong. We will not go without our healthy green start each day! We can’t thank you enough!

–Nancy K.

I have hyperthyroid (Graves Disease) and have been on Propyl-Thyracil (PTU) for the past 15 years. During this time, doctors and specialists have urged me to go on radioactive iodine, and some of them have even ridiculed me for wanting to consider alternative methods.

I knew instinctively that an answer lay for me in something else besides pills. But I was told that they knew of nothing else and that the iodine treatment was pretty standard. (Well, not for me, thank you very much!) I have searched and searched for years. I even went off PTU for three months thinking that I could use positive thinking and visualization to heal myself…but to no avail.

So when I came across green smoothies in about June 2008, I knew that it was more like a liquid salad, full of nutrition and basic goodness. So together with beginning a high raw foodstyle, I was able to decrease my PTU intake every 3 months since then, when having an appointment with my endocrinologist to check out blood work. I had been on three PTUs per day.

So after the first three months, I decreased it to two, thinking that there would be some changes to my blood work results. Since there was none, again after three months, I decreased it to one PTU per day. Again no changes in T4, Free T3, and sTSH results. My last appointment with the endocrinologist was in January 2009. Again no changes.

She was delighted and suggested that I come off PTU completely. I almost fell off my chair that a doctor would suggest no pills. Of my own choice, and with her approval, I asked if I should consider half a PTU per day until my next appointment. She agreed. To date, I feel fine with no increased palpitation and an abundance of energy. Thank you so much green smoothies, and most of all, thank you to Robyn for her relentless pursuit of research.

–Hal Walter (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Health Concerns, Healthy Weight

One thought on “Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 11”

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  1. http:// says:


    I too was diagnosed with Graves Disease but it was 25 years ago. After having to go through the irradiation of my thyroid because of lack of resources, I wish there was a way to have known about this possible solution many years ago as I am paying a hefty price for it now. I was 26 with two children under two and had no way of finding out about this type of life style, etc. I am really happy for the people like yourself who have found out about this early enough to benefit before the radical, often unneccessary treatments! Also for Robyn and others like her that have put their whole self into helping others with all they know!!!

    I hope knowing all this now will help me with other problems in the future that aging will send my way!


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