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Flax Seed Uses

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 27, 2008 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Flax seed uses are featured prominently in my recipe collections, especially the dehydrated/crunchy snacks and breakfasts–as well as the good fats and whole-grain  chapters of 12 Steps.   Here’s a recipe my family likes that also features another food you know to be antioxidant-rich, blueberries. And coconut oil increases the absorption of EFAs in the flax by as much as 100 percent.   Enjoy!


Blueberry Flax Muffins

These are lightly sweetened, but if you are transitioning from refined baking products, you may wish to add another ½ cup of Sucanat.   The muffins will rise more and be lighter and more digestible if you soak the grains overnight as described in the instructions.

3 cups warm water

4 cups whole-wheat flour (finely ground soft white wheat is best)

2 eggs

½ cup yogurt or kefir (or whey)

1 cup Sucanat

2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1 Tbsp. aluminum-free baking powder (reduce by half if you soak grains overnight)

1/2 cup flax seed, freshly ground

1 tsp. sea salt

2 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

Combine water, flours, flax, and yogurt.   Let sit, covered, overnight or all day (optional step to eliminate phytates and increase digestibility of wheat proteins).   Add all remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.   Gently fold in blueberries.   Bake in lined or greased muffin tins, 2/3 full, for 23-25 minutes at 400 degrees.   Makes about 3 dozen muffins.

Posted in: 12 Steps To Whole Food, Recipes, Tools & Products

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