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do you have garden squash coming out your ears?

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 08, 2011 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

If so, me too! Finding a new squash recipe we really like is so fun. I wonder what the recipe below would be like with ZUCCHINI. If you try it before I do, let me know. I found this recipe on Hallelujah Acres yesterday, because one of their employees wrote me to say hi. They’d asked in their forum who their favorite blogger is and my blog had been popping up. That’s nice, thanks H-Acres readers.

Yellow Squash Raw Hummus

2 medium yellow squash (peeled, sliced in 1″ pieces)

1/2 cup pine nuts (soaked 6 hours and drained)

1/2 cup raw almond butter

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

3 garlic cloves (peeled)

juice of 1 Meyer lemon

1 tsp ground cumin

1/4 tsp curry

1 tsp. Celtic or Himalayan salt (or to taste)

pinch of cayenne (or to taste)

pinch of paprika

1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves (minced)

1/4 cup kalamata olives (diced)

Place all ingredients (except parsley and olives) in food processor with an S blade and process until creamy. (If too thin, add more almond butter.) Spoon into bowl and stir in parsley and olives. Cover and store in fridge. It will keep refrigerated for several days.

Posted in: Recipes

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