Category: Whole Food Search for: take two, on apple seeds Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Don’t apple seeds have cyanide or arsenic in them? (This was in response to yesterday’s post.) Answer: I don’t think Snopes is the final answer on everything, but… Refined Sugar in Junk Food Each cube is a teaspoonful of sugar. (I wish the raw fruits and vegetables didn’t show sugar cubes, because the sugars in them are not refined and therefore so much… What Should I Buy Organic, and What Isn’t Such a Big Deal? You’ve heard of the “dirty dozen,” the fruits and vegetables that test highest for pesticide sprays. Top of the list is PEACHES. My suggestion? Plant a peach tree! I have… How Much Plant Food Does America Eat? Check out this story from USA Today, below. Go ahead and gloat that if your child is drinking even a pint of green smoothie daily even with NO other fruit… How do I convert resistant family members to eating right? If you know my writing, you know I’m always encouraging my readers to share with others what they’re learning that has changed their lives. One of my most common conversations… Class in Midway: Part 2 of 2 So a few hours before my morning class in Midway, I went out for a run, and the concrete jumped up and tripped me. I was headed downhill, and my… raw food: here’s what’s in my dehydrator right now You know I love my dehydrator, especially this time of year when I’ve got so much stuff coming out of the garden that I don’t want to go to waste…. What to do when your kids go into the “real world” In 2008, after being married for 20 years, I found myself a newly single parent. I was on my own trying to achieve a high-raw diet for my four… Grains and legumes made easy I think sometimes we don’t make brown rice, split peas, lentils, or other wonderful whole-grain or legume dishes, only because we get home from work and don’t want to wait… Birthday ideas… Email from a reader: My son is turning two in just a couple weeks. We have moved to the whole foods lifestyle as a family now. I have no… should you cut skin off fruits and vegetables? My sons Kincade and Tennyson hate peaches because of their fuzzy skin. I tell them they’re crazy, because inside the fuzzy skin is one of the most fabulous foods on… raw food diet versus alkaline diet I was having this conversation on Facebook today with a reader, and since I’m sure not all of you are my facebook friends or check in there regularly, I thought…