Category: Whole Food Search for: More info about Rejuvelac, part 1 of 3 [Because many people are asking: group buy has not kicked off, hopefully early next week, stay tuned here and we’ll announce it!] We got more comments about my Rejuvelac video… Fermenting foods: it’s freaking me out! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I really like the idea of adding the Rejuvelac as my green smoothie base, but I’m honestly totally freaked out to leave something perishable on my countertop in… Classroom rewards that aren’t food One of my readers gave me a cool resource, in response to my story about going to my son’s 6th grade teacher asking her to reconsider her policy of giving… Recipes from CHI! Part 1 of 2 “Going off sugar” has always been hard for me, because when I’m tempted to eat something I know I’ll regret, I tell myself, “I could have that if I wanted… SUGAR BET! It’s September 11, 2011. Today Matthew and I make a bet that we will pay an astonishing sum of money to each other, if we eat sugar anytime in the… Creative Health Institute, part 3 of 5 Here’s a video of Ed and me. He makes a living selling processed food, and he came to CHI because his mom paid for it and told him to go…. “After I eat chocolate cake, I want to die” My friend Matthew recently sent me an email. He had just read this quote: “When I eat chocolate cake, 20 minutes later I’m under my desk wanting to die. When… Back to the candy factory…..I mean, school My children have gone back to school. If I said I was sorry about that, I’d be lying. I love my kids, but summer is hard for working moms. And… My kids are constipated, what do I do? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: “My kids are constipated and the doctor prescribed Miralax. What do I do?” My answer on video here! What do you eat in a day? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What do you eat in a day? Please tell me in detail. Answer: We get this question constantly, and actually, I’ve written on that topic four times. For… Nutrition and single parents: part 3 of 3 Thank you, single parents who commented on my two-part blog series a couple of weeks ago. I’m quoting Amanda from that blog series because what she said merits front-and-center attention:… Are Hot Dogs as Bad for You as Cigarettes? Thanks to alert reader Lowana, for sending me this article about hot dogs. I think the very first nutrition study I read in my 20’s was about childhood cancer. The…