Category: Lifestyle Search for: A sad update on the sugar bet….part 2 of 2 Next morning after I screwed up the sugar bet, I went for a run. I thought about telling Matthew. I knew I had to. I would rather have a peaceful… A sad update on the Sugar Bet….part 1 of 2 It’s shameful that I’ve been delaying writing this post. You might know that on Sept. 11, I swore off all refined sugar, for a year. My friend Matthew Flinders and… Aloha from Hawaii! I’ve just returned from a heaven of pineapples and papaya, teaching on Maui and Oahu. Thank you so much to my friends there, the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, and Down… beautiful and young at age 70! three ageless examples show the value of good nutrition! I often hear people judging the raw vegan movement, or its credibility as a lifestyle, because a particular raw vegan doesn’t look good. In fact, it is often debilitating health… 45 Years Old…..but not “post-prime” yet! Thank you for all the birthday wishes on Facebook a week ago! I am officially 45 years old but I have never felt better. I have taken several days off… Vegetarians’ favorite question My daughter Emma, 16, and I had a convo the other day about how every vegetarian gets sick of the question, “How do you get your protein?” (I bet we… Co-Existing with Cancer, or Curing It? Of course, every cancer patient hopes for the words “remission” or even better, “cure.” Those things are possible and do happen regularly, especially with early-stage cancers. But, one thing that… Libby Goes Vegan You know I don’t promote any “isms”–vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodism. I’m secretly a fan of all those movements. But I don’t adopt them as extremist positions because I think… Psst! Don’t tell anyone I’m an M.D. recommending nutrition info! A woman after class my class in St. George a few weeks ago said to me, “I’m a nurse, and an E.R. doctor told me about your site. Then he… Traveling is No Excuse to Eat Crap A man behind me on my recent flight to Budapest, Hungary, phoned his wife right before takeoff and whispered, “I’m on a plane with Green Smoothie Girl.” I laughed, and… Nutrition is Usually a Gradual Process of Changes and Improvement! I think it’s important you know how gradual my health changes were. Because I don’t want you to be discouraged if you like how you feel eating whole foods, but… The Quotable Dr. Thomas Lodi Sunday I want you to meet Christine, a patient at Oasis, who did a massive amount of homework before choosing to work with Dr. Lodi. Today I’m giving you some…