Category: Immunity Search for: How Digestive Enzymes Work–And Why You’re Probably Deficient This post has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT and functional medicine practitioner. Enzymes have everything to do with your health. Simply put, enzymes make things happen…. The Incredible Science Behind Sauna’s Effect On Your Immune System Let’s start with a trivia question: When is your immune system running at max capacity? Research confirms that your immune system’s performance peaks when your body temperature rises to 103-104… 9 Supplements to Help Your Body Detox Effectively — Daily and During A Detoxification Program Detox Supplements — How Can They Help? Is it really necessary to help your body detox? I hear this question all the time. The simple answer? Yes, yes, it is…. The Ancient System in Our Bodies That Connects Us to CBD: Why CBD Works for Stress, Sleep, Inflammation, Pain, and More! Let’s Talk About Full Spectrum CBD Oil Benefits… If you think CBD oil is just another fad, it’s time to look again. I wanted to know more about CBD because… How To Use Water Kefir Grains (Without Sugar) To Heal Your Gut Did you catch my Facebook Live where I ate 10-year-old RAW cabbage and lived to tell about it? We talked about the importance of fermented and cultured foods, getting over… Home Remedies for When You’re Sick: 5 Soothing, Healthy Tonic Recipes [with Videos!] It starts out with just a little tickle in your throat, a slight achiness, or a small sniffle—but before you know it, you’ve got a full blown sickness. You feel… What To Do After You’ve Taken Antibiotics: Natural Steps to Regain Your Health This post has been medically reviewed by Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT and functional medicine practitioner. I’ve written a few times about alternatives to antibiotics and how I helped my daughter… What Happened When I Started Taking Beta Glucan Every Day Several years ago, my youngest son and I were so excited when we added two little kittens to our family. Unfortunately, Tennyson turned out to be highly allergic. We were… Health Benefits of Alkaline Water If you’re up on the latest health trends, you may have heard about the importance of alkalinity in the body for slowing aging, preventing disease, and even losing weight. Alkaline… 7 Natural Immune Boosters How I helped my daughter get well using natural immune boosters, and avoided the negative effects of antibiotics. You’re going to want to grab my FREE list of the 7… Hyperthermia Treatment — Effective, or All Hype? Hyperthermia (not to be confused with hypothermia) is an induced high fever. A high fever—on purpose. Don’t I have Tylenol for that? you might be thinking. And that skepticism makes…