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Cancer Treatment at Oasis of Hope IRVINE (Center for New Medicine), part 1 of 7

Robyn Openshaw - Jan 29, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy spoke before I did, in Costa Mesa, to 300 GSG readers, before I began studying with her at her clinic, Center for New Medicine, in Irvine the next day.

We also went to dinner at Jenny Ross’ 118 Degrees restaurant. Fabulous raw vegan food! Jenny is a beautiful young, and very pregnant, mom. She’s also a brilliant chef who healed herself of her health problems, as a young model 10 years ago. Her full-color best-selling recipe book is Raw Basics. Here’s a photo with her, me, and Dr. Connealy.

Jenny Ross and Robyn

Oasis of Hope Mexico, right across the border, is much less expensive, and has fewer high-tech treatments available. However, it also has non-FDA treatments available.

Oasis of Hope Irvine, inside Center for New Medicine, allows you to stay in the U.S. and has a wide array of non-invasive testing and treatment technologies available that I’ve not seen elsewhere, likely due to the expense of the equipment for clinics to acquire.

Treatment in Irvine, then, is of course more expensive, about $10K/week. One major celebrity was being treated while we were there (no, I can’t say who). But working-class people were being treated who traveled from other states. It is more expensive than Mexico by about 40% ($6k/week in Mexico). However, you must also pay for your own lodging close by, which can be arranged by Dr. Connealy’s staff, as the facility is not inpatient.

Some time ago, before I met Dr. Connealy, I learned, hearing her speak, that we all have, on average, about 75 million cancer cells. (Since then, I found this in a study from Japan. And since then, I’ve also learned that our bodies manufacture 50,000 or so cancer cells a day.) Your immune system, hopefully, is making quick work of those cells, staying on top of its job. When it doesn’t, mutant cells begin to replicate quickly and form their own vascular system and possibly eventually affect an important physical which time you discover a lump or bump.

This happens at about the time you have 1 billion cancer cells. (Or later, if it’s an internal organ where functioning has not been noticeably compromised and a mass may become very large before you find it.) By that time, even if you’re told it’s “Stage 1,” the docs I’ve been working with say “there is no such thing.” That is, if you have a lump, that cancer is elsewhere, too.

What’s consistent among all the integrative cancer docs is this information: the tumor does not tell the whole story.

The point isn’t to become fearful. The point is to understand that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Change your ways NOW. Not when you find you’re one of the ½ of men and 1/3 of women who will be diagnosed with cancer. I’m not trying to increase FEAR in people—I’m trying to avoid, actually, that acutely fearful place that we are all hurtling towards if we don’t address the issues of our fuel. Will it be cancer-preventative, or toxic and carcinogenic? There isn’t much that’s “in between.”

Then you can be excited about your future because your disease risk will be LOW. And then you don’t have to say stupid things like junk food addicts do. For instance, “At least I’m going to die happy.” Also, “Everybody dies of SOMETHING.”

(These are the most common, and my least favorite, things that I hear people say who want to feed addictions instead of eat responsibly so they’re around to meet their grandkids.)

One person I know just died last Sunday – it was his second round with cancer and he lived only a few weeks post-diagnosis. He was once a famous boxer, and one of the kindest, gentlest, most service-oriented human beings I’ve ever known. Another (a 30-y.o. mother of two toddlers) was disconnected from life support and died, 2 days after my other friend passed away—due to metastatic breast cancer.  That isn’t dying happy. Besides being buried alive or long, slow torture, based on experience with those close to me, I can’t think of many fates worse than chemo and radiation death.

As a few cancer patients who have experience with this have said to me, “There are worse things than death. One of them is chemotherapy.”

Dr. Connealy said to me, “Chemotherapy doesn’t work by itself. We have 50 years of it and death rates haven’t gone down.” (She is right: volumes of data document that.)

These are some of the services available at Center for New Medicine:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment, Intravenous Vitamin C, Light Beam Generator (Lymphatic Therapy), Ondamed, Biomeridian, and Zyto (biofeedback devices) testing, Breast Thermography (an alternative to mammogram that doesn’t smash your breasts flat, potentially spreading cancer cells, and exposing you to high levels of cancer-causing radiation)

Posted in: Whole Food

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