Blog Search for: Video: Margaret Says Green Smoothies Brought Her Hearing Back—and Its Effect on Lupus? Check out what Margaret told me after my class in Carlsbad, California. She is an elegant, classy lady who has more than her share of suffering from systemic lupus and… Two Great Recipes and an Awesome New Ingredient! I recently gave a lecture in St. George, Utah and stayed with my longtime friends, vegan raw foodists Denley and Jan, whose kitchen and fridge contents always inspire me. Denley… How much weight should I gain in pregnancy, and should I shift to whole foods now? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How much weight should I gain in my pregnancy? I want to eat whole foods—but should I do it while I’m pregnant? Video answer here: Watch this… “I need to gain some weight!” I have been studying a massive amount of information in the past few months about over 80,000 toxic chemicals and metals in our environment. Where they come from, what they… I Need to Gain Some Weight: Part 2 of 3 But some of the uber-thin are actually not digesting food and are quite unhealthy. They might be eating as much junk as the overweight people are, but because of chronic… I need to gain some weight! Part 1 of 3 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I have a slight dilemma: we have been working toward a whole foods lifestyle and I have 12 Steps to Whole Foods. I have a supportive husband who… Nutrition is Usually a Gradual Process of Changes and Improvement! I think it’s important you know how gradual my health changes were. Because I don’t want you to be discouraged if you like how you feel eating whole foods, but… How to skin brush Have you always wanted to know how, exactly, you’re supposed to be skin brushing? Brandi at Oasis of Healing knows the lymphatic system and explained that all to us, resulting… Dr. Lodi on camera, Oasis, part 11 of 13 This is such a good video you’ll want to watch it twice. Whether you have had cancer, or not. It’s Dr. Lodi explaining in nutshell version “natural chemotherapeutic agents” and… Dr. Lodi on camera, OASIS part 10 of 13 Here’s my first video with Dr. Lodi, and I’ll post another one tomorrow. Watch this video on YouTube I asked Dr. Lodi his success rate relative to allopathic stats and… AN OASIS OF HEALING, Continued Some people respond quickly and dramatically to treatments that support the body’s own immune function. Fredrick arrived at Oasis terrified and barely able to swallow, from huge tumors pressing on… TREATMENTS AT OASIS: Body and Soul Structural Realignment: Every day, Dr. Lodi would ask me, “Have you seen Kathleen yet?” On my last day, I finally went to see her. She trained for a year in…