Blog Search for: Thai Sweet Potato Soup with Raw Honey to Fight Allergies Summer is over, and fall is coming! Do you get hay fever? I don’t, but I used to. Raw local honey was how I got rid of allergies, as the… K’Lynne Still Going Strong! You may remember K’Lynne, from tiny Phoenix, Oregon. She did the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course and lost 100 pounds. I saw her in Minneapolis in June, where she… Sharing Green Smoothies in Mexico GreenSmoothieGirl reader Curtis Wakefield is a Christian missionary working in Mexico. He has helped turn his and his family’s health issues around with green smoothies and whole foods, and drove… Heart Surgeon Tells Us Why “Low-Fat” is Deadly This heart surgeon tells the truth. Statin drugs and a low-fat diet won’t protect you from heart disease. They HAVEN’T protected us from it, for 30 years. Dr. Dwight Lundell,… Sugar is Worse than Just “Empty Calories” and Tooth Decay An interesting study you’re not likely to ever hear about came out of my own alma mater, the University of Utah, and THIS article was published in the Tribune: Many… CNN says fish oil pills linked to higher risk of cancer I play a little word-association game at my lectures. I say, “What do you think of when I say OMEGA 3?” Many people yell out, “fish oil!” It’s true. A… How to Eat Right On A Budget…….Contest Winners, part 3 of 3 Margareta Jeppesen of Eagle Mountain, Utah, and Hilary Day of Nellysford, Virginia, are our last 2 winners. I think you’ll find their ideas useful. Share them on facebook or pinterest! Tips from… How to Eat Right On A Budget—Contest Winners, part 2 of 3 Enjoy the ideas of Joanna Keilson of Cary, North Carolina, on how she feeds her family with limited funds! Tips from Joanna Keilson of Cary, North Carolina: 1. Identify the… WHAT DOES GSG THINK ABOUT THE PALEO DIET? part 2 of 2 The GreenSmoothieGirl View I do agree with Paleo theory that hybridized grains are a bad idea. Ditto processed foods. Any diet that gets us OFF PROCESSED FOODS will make you… What Does GSG Think About the Paleo Diet? Part 1 of 2 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Will you blog on what is wrong with the Paleo diet? We have Crossfit fanatics all around us and they are pushing it. It would be nice to… Natural Infertility Treatments: Interview With Fertility Specialist Dr. Iva Keene This is my interview with Dr. Iva Keene. She’s a Fertility Specialist and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Find her on Facebook as “Natural Fertility,” and see her website Please… Natural Infertility Treatments: Part 1 of 2 As I started blogging nearly 6 years ago, one of my first topics talked about my struggle for over 5 years with infertility, in my 20’s. In fact, my oldest…