Blog Search for: GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 5 of 5 Dr. Mariza Snyder loves this veggie chili recipe because it’s healthy comfort food! She’s the author of three best-selling books, and you can find the low-glycemic slow-cooker recipe book this recipe was adapted… GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 4 of 5 Change it Up Chowder 1 cup coconut (young Thai fresh coconut meat, or dried shredded) 1 cup water 1 cup cashews Blend for 3 minutes in the blender. Add: ½ cup… GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 3 of 5 This soup recipe, plus the chocolate frosting, is from Debbie, our resident chocoholic, so we couldn’t include her without telling us how to get our chocolate in, without resorting to anything… GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 2 of 5 Here’s a recipe from Madeline, near Chicago, where it actually gets COLD. Winter Warmer 15-Bean Veggie Soup 1 20-oz. pkg. “15 Bean Soup” (throw away the “seasoning packet”, very toxic!) Soak… GSG Coaches Share Healthy Cold-Weather Recipes, Part 1 of 5 I asked the GSG Coaches for their favorite cold-weather recipes. I’ll be sharing them this week—feel free to lift any recipe that looks good to you, and try it out…. GSG is sick. Don’t tell anyone. So I’ve been a little too braggy lately. I wrote this blog entry recently about “I haven’t had the flu in more than 10 years,” and “I’m healthy even though… Hot Dogs are Too Dangerous for Human Consumption If you’ve been a GSG reader for long, you know I’ve said a million times that “all things in moderation” does NOT mean we should eat poison—in any amount, moderate… GSG on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune Here’s a fun story that ran on Dec. 31 on the front page of the Salt Lake Tribune. All about why I am so passionate about what I do, and… More Treat recipes from the GSG Coaches’ Retreat! Here are two more super-yummy treats Melinda made for the coaches’ retreat that I think you’ll love! Key Lime Truffles 1 c cashews 8 large pitted dates, chopped small… Would you gain weight if you ate an entire car full of spinach? My oldest son, Cade, 20 years old, came over to chat for a while and tell me about his luck with the ladies, a few days ago. We were shooting… Subject: Nancy solves the problem of her son’s green smoothie making him weird! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I spoke with you in Houston after your delightful class last month. I shared with you the story of my young son, who asked me not to make… 15 Common Themes from Parents Weighing in on “How to Raise A Healthy Eater” For a few months, I’ve been researching and writing, and talking with GreenSmoothieGirl readers about their experiences. How to Eat Right In the Real World is my next book to…