Blog Search for: {VIDEO} My Most-Famous Recipe…Do Not Miss This! I want to share this incredible recipe with you…plus a BUNCH more that we’ve become known for since 2007. All of them are my favorite, whole-foods breakfast recipes. It’s on… {VIDEO} Morning Berry Smoothie Recipe I’m a sucker for those quick little recipe videos that autoplay while I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed. I find myself stopping to watch part or all of them, nearly… {VIDEO!} Rebuild Your Gut Health for a NICKEL–and this takes 5 minutes! What if, with things you probably already have in your kitchen, you could really begin to rehab your digestive issues….with a five-minute, five-cent habit? With just a handful of grain, I… 6 Easy Swaps to Make Any Treat Recipe Healthy You want to honor your body with good, healthy food, right? You want the energy, the ideal weight, bright eyes and glowing skin that you know comes from ditching a… How to NEVER Eat a GMO Food Again! What is a GMO, and why should you take 3 minutes right now to get educated about it? First of all, I’ve made you an easily printed card to cut… 10 Healthy Popsicle Recipes for Sneaky Moms! It’s August! Is it as hot where you are, as it is here in Utah? Ohhhhh my. I’m melting. I loved opening the freezer and yelling, “Popsicles!” in the summer…. What I Love About Being 40+ If you exercise, what’s your goal? Have you really thought about it? Have you given yourself a free pass to let exercise be “for fun”? Or is the idea of… In Which I Confess My Worst Parenting Crimes I’m sounding off right now. It’s not my usual subject matter. But it’s important. I saw thousands of judgy comments, attacking the mother last month, when the gorilla in the… How to Make A Beautiful Acai Bowl! I can’t think of a more delicious way to pack in your daily superfoods than with a homemade Acai Bowl. Isn’t Holly Jackman amazing? I hope you enjoy this video… Activated charcoal? 10 ingredients for your smoothie! PLUS Sale on GSG Sprouted Flax w/ Berries! Activated charcoal is an interesting green smoothie addition, and I’m seeing more people offer it as a supplement. It’s not the charcoal in… Skin & Your Cancer Risk by Dr. Tami Meraglia I’m excited to introduce you to my friend, Dr. Tami Meraglia, a double board-certified holistic M.D. Dr. Meraglia is a former professional ballerina and the mother of two young daughters. She’s… You Can Lose Weight and Save Money Too? So many people think that to lose weight they have to spend a lot of money. And there are certainly ways to spend a lot in that process. It’s a…