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Will You Help Me Save Cucumbers from the Toxic Apeel Coating?

Robyn Openshaw - Aug 05, 2024 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

With the help of the GreenSmoothieGirl community, I’ve been researching and fighting back against the toxic Apeel preservative being sprayed at grocery stores.

It’s working! We got Apeel shut down at a billion-dollar produce company.

Now, we have to save cucumbers!

It will only take 30 seconds of your time. I hope you will join me and take action today.

What’s Going On? What Is the Apeel Coating?

A company called Apeel Sciences wants to coat your produce in a preservative that, according to their filing with the FDA, involves five heavy metals and two petrochemical solvents.

Despite this fact, the company's founder continues to maintain that the monoglyceride and diglyceride preservative product he says he wants every fruit in the world coated with is just “food-protecting food.”

I do not want any food containing monoglycerides or diglycerides in my diet or in my children’s, and in fact, I do not agree that it’s food. He can call that “food,” but I avoid it like the bubonic plague.

Houweling is a massive company that is seeking to undertake an experiment by using Apeel on cucumbers in Walmart stores worldwide.

An article about it says we should enthusiastically embrace eating preservatives because consumers have complained that they don’t like the single-use plastic that English cucumbers currently are packaged in.

Personally, I prefer single-use plastic wrap because I can take it off, throw it away, and not eat it.

How You Can Help Save Cucumbers – In Only 30 Seconds!

Do you prefer plastic wrap to the toxic Apeel preservatives on cucumbers? Join me in fighting back!

I hope you will immediately – not later (because you know how “later” turns into “never”) – join my campaign to fight back against spraying the Apeel coating on cucumbers in Walmart stores worldwide.

Join my campaign to fight back against Apeel on cucumbers – it only takes 30 seconds and one click!

I wrote the letter. All you have to do is click the link above and sign.

When you enter your information and click send, the pre-written letter will automatically go to Walmart and Houweling executives.

How You Can Avoid the Apeel Coating on Your Produce

Check out the wallet card we created for a list of companies that have told us they are vigilantly keeping Apeel-sprayed produce out of their stores.

On the reverse side of the wallet card, which you can keep for easy reference, we also list the companies that refuse to answer our emails asking about Apeel and those that have been caught selling produce coated with Apeel.

You can get the free wallet card and print it yourself, or for a very small fee, you can get my 15 laminated wallet cards, which make shopping and eating healthier easy.

Apeel coating produce

You Can Also Write Walmart and Houweling Executives Personally

Tell them:

You will spend your grocery dollars elsewhere, not at Walmart, until and unless they guarantee you that Apeel products are not on your food.

And then, of course, do that. Take your grocery budget somewhere else. Vote with your dollars.

Or if it’s Houweling, the Dutch company you’re talking to, tell them you’re disappointed that they feel that instead of the plastic wrap on the cucumber going to a landfill–they’re apparently thinking the consumer EATING the preservative is a great alternative?

You could share with them that you disagree. Of course, it’s always best to be polite!

You can write these folks at Houweling:


Walmart is also involved in this partnership, so it would be appropriate to write the people here to tell them the same things.


  • Doug McMillon - President and CEO -
  • John Furner - President and CEO U.S. - - (479) 381-6663

Thank You for Taking Action!

Thank you for every action you take to stop this company from coating all our foods and our children’s foods with toxins.

Because I can’t do it all by myself, I’m just one person – and we have to stop them now – before Apeel has contracts with lots more companies.

You and I and our efforts have already gotten contracts shut down with major suppliers who originally thought it was a great idea to dip their fruits in a preservative we are then forced to eat.

Last year, Apeel Sciences wrote back to us saying their coating could not be washed off.

This year, some of their reps are saying it can. How exactly would you scrub a hardened fat off a raspberry, anyway?

Apeel coating

Please be part of the solution, and I’m so grateful to those of you who do!


If you'd like to see this article in video form, here it is:

Photograph of Robyn Openshaw, founder of Green Smoothie GirlRobyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe. Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.

Will you help me save cucumbers from the toxic peel coating?

Image Notes

  1. English cucumber image used under an ATTRIBUTION-NONCOMMERCIAL-SHAREALIKE 2.0 GENERIC license by Julie from Wexford

Posted in: Health Concerns, Whole Food

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