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45 Years Old…..but not “post-prime” yet!

Robyn Openshaw - Feb 21, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Thank you for all the birthday wishes on Facebook a week ago! I am officially 45 years old but I have never felt better. I have taken several days off blogging because we are in a migration of the site to SPEED IT UP. We are approaching 100,000 hits per month and the site has been bogged down lately. In the next few days, you should notice a much faster page-load speed!

On my birthday, I spent the whole day canceling credit cards and bank accounts and talking to police and arranging to have my car repaired when a thief broke my car window and stole my purse. My purse had my cancer books, all marked up. I guess now I get to buy them and read and mark them again!

I’m just back from two lectures in Florida with Dr. Brian Clement and a short stay at Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach.

Here’s a photo of me with Shelah, one of our volunteers, that she posted on FB. Kristin raved about how every one of our volunteers were just amazing. If you have ever helped at a GSG class, please know that WE LOVE YOU and we could not take our show on the road without GSG event planner Amanda, and our volunteers, who are goddesses.

robyn with shelah

Fun things:

1. A Utah State legislature rep just asked me to come teach a green smoothie demo class to the senate / house wives in two weeks.

2. An M.D. Anderson radiation oncologist wrote, asking me to help him get 10 BlendTecs to do a clinical trial to show if raw foods and green smoothies will help radiated head/throat/neck patients recover. He says they are so damaged by the treatment they often cannot swallow/eat. (As we say here in Utah, you bet I will!) It’s exciting and energizing to me whenever someone in the mainstream medical community wants to figure out how to change status quo. It’s frustrating to me that supposedly “integrative” practices like Cancer Treatment Centers of America won’t abandon the ineffective burning/poisoning approaches. They simply can’t, for financial reasons—but adding things to try to heal and rehab people of the trauma is better than nothing.

3. Dr. Greg Olson of the Nevada Clinic commented on this blog, agreeing with the breast cancer / bras blog. It’s funny, because my friend Ben, who got his ex-wife cured there, many years ago, of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, has been begging me lately to go study at the Nevada Clinic. They are two M.D.’s who practice holistically (and Dr. Greg has an M.D. and a PhD, very impressive).

I love my life. I get to learn from the masters. Next up, my class in Buena Park, CA in two weeks before Expo West, and after that Honolulu and Maui, sponsored by the Vegetarian Society there.

Posted in: Green Smoothies, Health Concerns, Lifestyle

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