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Be the change!

Robyn Openshaw - May 15, 2012 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

After our lecture in Mesa Saturday night, where 350 GSG readers showed up, Kristina W. waited in line almost two hours. She said, “Do you remember me?”

For just a year or two, she lived up the street and around the corner. A few years ago, she asked my daughter Emma to babysit after school so she could complete an extended project.  Emma was the original avatar for this site, see her photo here, at age 12. You’ll remember her, if you’ve been here that long. Can you believe I put GSG up almost five years ago?

Emma posing with a green smoothie

Emma and Dustin full length









Now the original GreenSmoothieGirl is 16 and I’ve included her prom photo, with boyfriend Dustin, from just a few weeks ago. (Isn’t she lovely?)

Emma would show up at Kristina’s house to babysit with a baggie of vegetables and whole-grain crackers, or a pint of green smoothie. Kristina asked her what it was, and Emma explained. Someone else in the neighborhood pointed Kristina to

She’s now an avid 12 Stepper and says she does everything but garden, since soil amending in Arizona is very difficult and her young family is finishing dental school and moving to another state soon.

Kristina told me, “Emma is the reason I stopped buying processed foods for my kids, and started cutting up veggies and making green drinks. I was completely inspired, seeing the food she brought to my house.”

The Power of One. A twelve-year old’s example can change many. How many more can you change for good?

Kristina told me, “You have no idea how many people I’ve sent to your class, even though this is the first time I’ve had the chance to attend.”

Kristina’s a mother of four living in a different state now, but her family is transformed by the simple example of a twelve-year old. Now Kristina is a person who openly talks to others about what’s on her mind, and she influences many.

I told Emma about this and she lit up.  My daughter is a natural-born, passionate change agent and loves teaching people about how eating plants saves animals from cruelty. She loves animals, little children, and the people of South America. She wants to be a professional humanitarian one day.

Be the change! Your words and example can and do make a dramatic difference.

Posted in: Relationships, Whole Food

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