Category: Whole Food Search for: baseball, apple pie, and . . . green smoothies? I was asked recently for photographic evidence of my son Tennyson’s snacks in the dugout that radically differ from traditional standards. It wasn’t easy to capture boys sitting together eating… ideas from readers, part 1 of 3 GSG reader Brynna came up to me at the gym yesterday. She said a friend of hers doesn’t want to lose the benefits of green smoothies while they go camping,… what do you do with picky kids? I was driving far away to a tennis match with my team, this week, and picky eaters was the topic of discussion. If you think this blog entry is going… bowling and baby food Caveat about this post (two days after I wrote it): I mean NO disrespect to any parent. Parents are just doing their best! My intent is always to expose the… growth of Today I got auto-emailed by Alexa, which ranks 154,101. I am told this is incredible for a site less than 3 years old run by an internet moron. (I… chocolate: friend or foe? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Is chocolate actually good for me? Will you do a good/better/best on all the carob and chocolate options? I’m craving chocolate after having a baby and want to… Processed Meat: It’s On My “Never” List If you’ve read my books, you know there are two foods I never eat and I don’t let my kids eat either. We are virtually 100% about good nutrition at… more thoughts about agave As if we haven’t done this subject to death. From the consensus of many people commenting on my blog about Mercola coming out against agave, it looks to be about… Joe Mercola and GreenSmoothieGirl on agave In the natural health space, Joe Mercola is very much a Goliath, and I’m very much a David. Today’s topic: my affinities and differences with his philosophies. Dr. Mercola responded… How Can I Promote Healthy School Lunch in My Area? After my Renegade Lunch Lady blog entry, Emily asked, “What I want to know is what can I specifically do in my area?” She refers to turning nutrition around in… Is agave a superfood or a poison? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Dr. Mercola says agave is going to kill me! Is he right? Answer: I have been inundated with emails about this. In every class I teach, someone brings… I Love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market, part 2 of 3 A fun tip was contributed in one of the Dallas classes by my sister-in-law Kim: she says her kids get up in the morning with only 20 minutes before the…