Category: Whole Food Search for: 6 tips to make any baking recipe healthier, part 1 of 2 At the Zermatt in December, I taught these six tips for making a baking treat healthier. You don’t have to know anything about recipe development. These are no-brainers. Three tips… Back from Africa: Green Smoothies, Detox, and Dr. Oz I’m just back after 2 weeks in Africa, perhaps the most amazing trip of my life. I’ll show-n-tell about it this week. Meantime, I’m getting a late start on our… NYC: hot dogs or raw gourmet? Horn of plenty or fries and a shake? After my second trip to New York City this year, the verdict is this: in keeping with the diversity of that teeming city as immigrants poured in during the 19th… Testimonial: green smoothies, whole foods, Crohn’s disease I started drinking green smoothies everyday about a year and a half ago. My neighbor told me about them and I attended your class in Idaho Falls. My son was… {Video}Making Nut And Seed Milks My friend Jenni is gluten intolerant, and taught me how to make coconut milk. Here’s my video on how to replace dairy milk with yummy and nutritious milks from sesame,… My Friend Drinks Green Smoothies, Loses Weight, Addresses Diabetic Issues I have a close friend who rents my basement apartment. Jean is a 46-year old mom of 3 and a Type 1 diabetic since age 16. As with all of… My daughter asks, “Why do we get sick?” Dear Mom: “Why do we get colds? Why did I get this cold and you didn’t?” Answer: (This question came from my 13 y.o. daughter, my most resistant healthy eater…. What I DON’T do, every day, in my family So I admit (on a regular basis, actually) that I’m not perfect. Anyone who knows me and sees the inside of my fridge, and what I do on vacation, knows… what I do every day, in my family In a couple of interviews I’ve done for people lately, I’ve been asked, “What do you do in your family to ensure a healthy diet with lots of enzymes and… How to become a VEGETABLE ADDICT You want to get your whole family addicted to raw vegetables? Even kids? I’ve got the secret key to that! Check out this video I did with Doug Holmes: You’re… Response of an MD/PhD to the China Study Debate Are you sick of debate on the China Study? Remember how Mercola said his D.O. experience is more valuable than a PhD nutrition researcher’s? If you’re not too sick of… This is Dr. Campbell’s Response Tomorrow, on to other topics. Today, here is T. Colin Campbell’s response to Mercola’s missive: Dr. Mercola raises so many questions that it would take me at least several weeks…