Category: Whole Food Search for: Happy Mother’s Day! on prenatal vitamins Mothers do the greatest work in the world! On this day, I’d like to say how thankful I am that Kincade, Emma, Mary Elizabeth, and Tennyson made me a mom,… Taking stock of progress…part 2 of 2 Once upon a time, my whole diet was Ben & Jerry’s, pizza, French bread, Diet Coke, and a fruit or salad mixed in to make myself feel better about it… Training for Green Smoothie Smackdown: wheat-grass juice overdose? So Jillene of Total Care Dental and I are gonna do Green Smoothie Smackdown on Weds. night after my class in Orem. On camera. If you’re coming to that class,… Is Raw Spinach Bad for Me? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I bought your book, borrowed my friend’s Blendtec, then bought my own after I learned how much I love the greensmoothiegirl way. I just returned from visiting my… a tour of the BULK FOODS ROOM in a health food store Lots of people walk into a health food store and have no clue what to buy! So I’ve done a bunch of videos showing some of my favorite things in… The Rest of the Story with Rich the Pharmacist. Part 2 of 2. I don’t buy that baloney. (In more ways than one.) If you eat hot dogs and soda on a regular basis, you’re almost certainly spending lots of money on doctor… The rest of the story with Rich the Pharmacist. Part 1 of 2. So here’s the rest of the story with Rich, my first high-school boyfriend. I told you how I ran into him on the plane on his way to pharmacists’ immunization… Are you fixing the plumbing, or building a mansion? Part 2 of 2 At church Sunday, someone was making an announcement about a care center that wants us to bring them snacks for the mentally handicapped residents: “The care center staff said they… Are you fixing the plumbing in your cottage? or building a mansion? part 1 of 2 My high-school junior son’s photo is on the front page of Sports, rubbing the snow of the baseball before he pitches it on Tuesday. Brrr! And then the next day,… Educate your kids about nutrition! Here’s my video showing Tennyson why food matters in his life, and why he should make good decisions about food. He’s no different than you and me. He needs REASONS…. Avocado-Almond Sandwiches When I was in Portland last month, GSG reader Debbie made all this fabulous food for the road. Which was a good thing, since we did 3 lectures in 24… Total Care Dental Wants to Tell You About Their Whole-Foods Experience! Dr. Jorgenson has been trying to figure out how to blog here. (I don’t know how. Sometimes readers do.) She says that her whole office is having so many fascinating…