Category: Whole Food Search for: Idaho Falls, Traveling, and Eating Right, Part 2 I love my five-mile run on the Snake River in Idaho Falls. It’s quirky. Thousands of geese of all ages, everywhere, and apparently it’s illegal to scare or chase them,… Sugar-Free Baseball Tennyson has a nickname on his team. In the dugout, when he’s up to bat, they chant, “Sugar-free! Sugar-free! Sugar-free!” When he gets on base, they yell, “Sweeeeeet!” I love… Angie Starts the Salad Club at Work! Here’s a letter I just got from Angela in California. She’s a renegade and a leader, and I love what she did at her office! I think you will, too…. The manliest men on the planet Ben texted me that surfer Laird Hamilton is 48 and looks 26, eats a lot of raw and organic, and is one of the “manliest men on the planet,” and… Should I “eat right for my blood type?” A recent grad from Institute for Integrative Nutrition applied for the GreenSmoothieGirl Health Coaches certification and said this: “I’ve studied over 100 nutritional plans, and the 12 Steps to Whole… And the Oxalate Controversy Rages On … We got lots of interesting email in response to my rebuttal to the wildly exaggerated and completely undocumented article posted by one “Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist” that tells people… Can Green Smoothies “DEVASTATE” Your Health? Sarah the Healthy Home Economist online recently posted an article about how green smoothies can “DEVASTATE” your health. The content was so unsubstantiated that at first I refused to respond… The Power of One: the influence of a nine-year old Check out this news article about what happened when a nine-year old girl began documenting online the appalling nutrition served in her school. Do you have a child who, like… Read Sarah’s Inspiring Story About a Year of Green Smoothies! Today I share a letter we got recently. As reply to this blog entry, tell me—what happened to you when you (a) started drinking green drinks daily, and/or (b) started… Cade Pitches State Finals Today This is my boy Kincade, graduating from high school this month. He’s a delightful kid to have around, loving and funny. He’s also the starting pitcher today at Timpanogos High… A cup of joe: friend or foe? I’ve mentioned that I grew up not drinking milk and still never do. So why has my bone density “off the chart” for a 20-year old even though I’m mid-forties?… Be the change! After our lecture in Mesa Saturday night, where 350 GSG readers showed up, Kristina W. waited in line almost two hours. She said, “Do you remember me?” For just a…