Category: Supplements Search for: Why Almost Everyone Needs Minerals DAILY for Better Nutrition, Energy, Immunity, and More Even the healthiest foods are depleted of minerals and not nearly as nutrient-dense as they should be. And, you still might be deficient in a dozen or more nutritional compounds,… Mmm. Our 10 Favorite Winter Soups Are Warm, Filling, and Delicious! A good soup is a reason to love winter. Preparing soup yourself is so much better than opening a can (and better for you, too!). These healthy winter soups are… Read This If You Don’t Believe Big Pharma / Big Chemical Make Your Supplements Do you believe that the pharma and chemical industries make your supplements? One day, Google will get its AI to remove the stuff you can find now. I’m going to… Why I Won’t Take 99% of Supplements Anymore I have taken tens of thousands of supplements. This is what people who become highly suspicious of pharma do. We go to the “alternative” docs, and we take THEIR pills…. Incredible Health Results from Drinking Structured Water for Just One Month What if your drinking water isn’t hydrating you the way it should? I promised I’d report back after inviting you to participate in an experiment using minerals and sunshine to… Fish Oil Supplements: Worth Your Money? Or Are They Toxic? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Am I wasting my money on fish oil supplements? Essential fatty acids (EFAs), also called “omegas,” are excellent for neurological and cardiovascular health. We must get them from… Is Flaxseed Unhealthy, Like the Mercola Article Says? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What do you think about the article published by the Mercola company claiming that flaxseed is an unhealthy food? Why is Dr. Mercola saying flax is bad? After… What Are Probiotics Benefits? 11 Signs You’re Deficient and What to Do About It What are probiotics good for? Hippocrates is famous for saying, “All disease begins in the gut.” 2500 years later, science is proving how right he was. Thousands of studies link… How to Test Your Probiotic Supplement: An Easy At-Home Experiment Want to know if that probiotic supplement on your shelf and in your fridge is still working to give you a healthy gut? As living organisms, probiotics have a short… 5 Reasons You Need Fulvic Acid for Immunity (Because You’re Probably Not Getting Enough!) Want to know a dirty little secret? Dirt — prehistoric dirt, that is — is one of the best ways you can boost your baseline immune function and improve your… 9 Recipes To Treat Seasonal Allergies Naturally With Food It’s that time of year again. The trees are blossoming, flowers are in bloom, and there’s pollen floating through the air—lots and lots of pollen. Achoo! Allergic rhinitis, hay fever,… What Supplements Should I Take Daily? Ever wonder what supplements are MOST important for you to take daily? Most of the supplements out there aren’t helpful. The critical supplements complete a whole-foods diet – not take…