Category: Lifestyle Search for: After I eat greasy/sugary “junk food,” I feel … Food for thought! This really makes us think about how powerful addiction to junk food is. Since we feel AMAZING drinking greens, and we categorically feel like crap, eating junk…. Energy Drinks to “Get Through the Day”? I have been researching energy drinks—a fairly new phenomenon, but exploding in popularity, especially among young people. The Millennials and Gen Y (actually, all young people in all generations) are… How Much Sugar Are You REALLY Eating? Check out this cartoon YouTube video, just 4 minutes, showing you how eating processed foods causes you to eat far more sugar than your liver can possibly keep up with…. Diet vs. Exercise Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I know that a great diet coupled with lots of exercise is the healthiest approach for all of us. Having said this, I just listened to a guy… GSG is sick. Don’t tell anyone. So I’ve been a little too braggy lately. I wrote this blog entry recently about “I haven’t had the flu in more than 10 years,” and “I’m healthy even though… 15 Common Themes from Parents Weighing in on “How to Raise A Healthy Eater” For a few months, I’ve been researching and writing, and talking with GreenSmoothieGirl readers about their experiences. How to Eat Right In the Real World is my next book to… Avoiding Judging Others Who Eat the S.A.D. (book excerpt) This is an excerpt from my book, How to Eat Right In the Real World. And raising healthy eaters without being condescending or superior while the S.A.D. is served all… Ann in Ohio shares some great ideas to raise healthy eaters! This reader, Ann in Ohio, gave us a great entry in our recent contest sharing ideas about How to Raise Healthy Kids. It qualifies as a “runner up,” and we’re… Dr. Jorgenson shares her tips on raising kids to be healthy eaters, Part 2 of 2 These are recipes Dr. Jorgenson shared, from the last blog post. Enjoy! Thank you, Michelle! Peanut Miso Sauce 2/3 C water 2/3 C peanut butter 3T miso 1/4 C lime… Dr. Jorgenson shares her tips on raising kids to be healthy eaters, part 1 of 2 Dr. Michelle Jorgenson, a dentist in Highland, Utah, is one of our three winners of the “How to Teach Kids to Eat Right” contest. Her comments here, and the recipes… Shanda Blake raises 7 kids to be healthy eaters, Part 2 of 2 Last time I shared the thoughts of Shanda Blake, as she’s in the trenches raising a very large family eating whole foods. These are some of Shanda’s children’s favorite recipes… Shanda Blake raises 7 kids to be healthy eaters, Part 1 of 2 Another of our three winners in the “How do You Raise Healthy Eaters?” contest, this is from Shanda Blake of Saratoga Springs, Utah, a busy mom of 7 kids, ages…