Category: Health Concerns Search for: GSG is sick. Don’t tell anyone. So I’ve been a little too braggy lately. I wrote this blog entry recently about “I haven’t had the flu in more than 10 years,” and “I’m healthy even though… Dr. Jorgenson Tells the Beautiful Story of Her “Autistic” Son Luke This is a story by Dr. Michelle Jorgenson, a GSG reader in Highland, Utah, whose story is featured in the intro to How to Raise Healthy Eaters. I think you… Sugar is Worse than Just “Empty Calories” and Tooth Decay An interesting study you’re not likely to ever hear about came out of my own alma mater, the University of Utah, and THIS article was published in the Tribune: Many… CNN says fish oil pills linked to higher risk of cancer I play a little word-association game at my lectures. I say, “What do you think of when I say OMEGA 3?” Many people yell out, “fish oil!” It’s true. A… Natural Infertility Treatments: Interview With Fertility Specialist Dr. Iva Keene This is my interview with Dr. Iva Keene. She’s a Fertility Specialist and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Find her on Facebook as “Natural Fertility,” and see her website Please… Natural Infertility Treatments: Part 1 of 2 As I started blogging nearly 6 years ago, one of my first topics talked about my struggle for over 5 years with infertility, in my 20’s. In fact, my oldest… Whole Foods and Depression, Tori’s Story: Part 2 of 2 This story is worth your time to read. It made me cry, both when I first read it, and again when I sat down with it to craft it into… Tori from Seattle Tells Me a Beautiful Story: Part 1 of 2 Tori’s is one of the most moving stories I have read from a GreenSmoothieGirl reader. You know I’ve read hundreds, possibly thousands. This one is so very special. I have… Mammography Not Improving Survival? Euro Cancer Travels Part 7 I met a woman named Karen from Dallas, at Hope 4 Cancer in Tijuana, where I studied last month. I interviewed Dr. Tony Jimenez, Dr. Xavier Curiel, and Dr. Carlo… My Friend Madeline Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 6 Coming home from studying at 5 holistic cancer treatment facilities in Europe, we were met by the mother of my long-time friend who traveled with me to run my camera…. The “Difficult Patient”: Euro Cancer Travels, Part 4 In my tour of alternatives to chemo and radiation, throughout Europe, I encountered Dr. Alexander Herzog. He’s a traditionally trained oncologist, and he does administer chemotherapy in his small hospital… My European Cancer Journey: Part 1 I have been across the world and seen some humbling, terrifying, and awe-inspiring sights. On a personal level, my trip to Europe was hard. Our luggage lost, getting lost in…