Blog Search for: How much water should a person drink a day: Part 6 of 6 on WATER From Dr. B’s interview with Mike Adams: “. . . there are 60 million Americans who don’t realize that actually hypertension is one of the manifestations of drought management… Water Intoxication: Part 5 of 6 on WATER Dr. B and other experts say you should drink half your weight in ounces (that’s 8 glasses of water for a 128 lb. person), with ¼ tsp. unrefined salt dissolved… How do you know you’re dehydrated? More than just dry mouth! . . . part 4 of 6 on WATER This is from Dr. B’s interview with Mike Adams, one of the last he gave before he died in his late 70’s. We should realize more signs and symptoms… How Does Dehydration Effect the Heart: Part 2 of 6 on Water (Yes, sorry, I’m aware “effect” should be “affect,” but that’s the search phrase people use according to my research assistant, Steff: how does dehydration effect the heart!) Dr…. How Much Water Should a Person Drink a Day: Part 1 of 6 My husband and father-in-law are both former college football players. My FIL was told, while playing football, “Don’t drink water!” My husband was told by his own coaches… Aug. 15 is International Green Smoothie Day! Hello my friends, I’m off to Europe with my family tomorrow for 18 days: Italy, Spain, and France, and hopefully a one-day adventure in Serbia/Croatia. I’ll miss y’all, but… More Experts on Colon Cleansing . . . part 9 of 9 Sir Arbuthnut Lane was a surgeon for the King of England and specialized in bowel issues. He removed parts of the colon and sewed the rest back together, and in… Body Cleansing . . . part 8 of 9 on ELIMINATION Many ancient texts speak of body cleansing, the need to fast now and then, for both physical and spiritual purification. You don’t have to be a yogi to give… Best Colon Cleanse . . . part 7 of 9 on ELIMINATION I love the GSG Detox program! Don’t underestimate it—it’s a commitment! Its a 26 day program that will clean your colon and several other organs in your body, and most… Chronic Constipation: Part 6 of 9 on ELIMINATION You always hear about how when Elvis and John Wayne were autopsied, they had 10 or 20 lbs. of impacted fecal material in their digestive tract due to chronic constipation…. Relief for Intestinal Gas and Bloating: Part 5 of 9 on ELIMINATION A healthy bowel produces minimal flatulence, none of it foul-smelling or causing pressure, swelling, or pain. Gas is, as Dr. Jensen describes it, “putrefactive fermentations” of undigested proteins. In other… Natural Laxatives: Part 4 of 9 on ELIMINATION It’s important that we keep the colon and lower intestine clean and powerfully peristaltic. The answer isn’t to gag down some chemically reduced Metamucil stirred into water, while eating…