Blog Search for: “I love my body,” part 4 of 4 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: “Should I do a cleanse, and what products should I use?” Answer: I think hardcore colon cleanses are something you should do only a few times in a… “I love my body,” part 3 of 4 My heart got broken earlier this year–-but that very same heart kept on beating. It pumps blood every second, to my brain, to every extremity, perfectly. Every minute of the… “I love my body,” part 2 of 4 I spent far more than my share of time hating my body. For 20 years, in fact, before I experienced a dramatic mental shift. Ask my best friend, Laura, who… “I love my body,” part 1 of 4 Provocative title of this blog post, right? The topic I probably spent the most time on at the Zermatt class a week ago is the special talent women have for… How My Grama Beat Stage 3 Cancer Some of you know my story. Its beginnings were watching my grandmother say “no thanks” to chemo/radiation and choose something else, in 1980. Check out what I told SunWarrior about… 10 minutes to feel like a great mom. Because you are! I saw Kristy again, when I was running errands today. She’s the mom whose 6-year old daughter had her first green smoothie at Roxberry, my first GSG franchisee. Kristy said,… NYC: hot dogs or raw gourmet? Horn of plenty or fries and a shake? After my second trip to New York City this year, the verdict is this: in keeping with the diversity of that teeming city as immigrants poured in during the 19th… Gratitude, part 3 of 3 I want to express my gratitude for something else. I was sitting at the top of the high school bleachers recently, in the sunshine, watching my son Kincade play baseball…. Gratitude, part 2 of 3 From Liz Gilbert’s book, Eat Pray Love: “I keep remembering one of my Guru’s teachings about happiness. She says that people universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke… Gratitude, making your own happiness, part 1 of 3 My good friend Matthew left formal religion as a non-believer. This was a big problem for his wife, who consequently dumped him, moved away with his kids, and remarried. He… Testimonial: green smoothies, whole foods, Crohn’s disease I started drinking green smoothies everyday about a year and a half ago. My neighbor told me about them and I attended your class in Idaho Falls. My son was… {Video}Making Nut And Seed Milks My friend Jenni is gluten intolerant, and taught me how to make coconut milk. Here’s my video on how to replace dairy milk with yummy and nutritious milks from sesame,…