Blog Search for: Texas, Part 6 of 7: Kaye in Houston, Kaye in San Antonio Here’s a photo of me with Kaye Barnard, whom we also met in Houston. She eats almost 100% raw vegan, which she calls “God’s way,” and credits that lifestyle with… Texas Tour, Part 5: Wendy and Janet in Austin, Young Moms Serving Health As Kristin says, our Texas trip was “pure abundance.” She and I always talk about relationships that are “all good things,” versus relationships or activities or thoughts that are scarcity-oriented… Texas Tour, part 4: Video with Cancer Survivor Shelly in San Antonio Kristin and I got up early and went for a long run on the River Walk. I said to her, “Why don’t we live here?” I always say that, when… Texas Tour, Amy’s Story: My Husband’s Rashy Split Lips Amy was our key volunteer organizing our Austin, Texas event. I felt terrible that somehow I did not get to talk with her, as I arrived only 10 mins. before… Texas Tour: Houston’s Stephanie Merchant–a Green Smoothie Transformation Stephanie was smack on the front row in Houston, a gorgeous tiny little mom who has lost 50 lbs. doing green smoothies. (Check out her before-and-after photos!) Her husband was… Texas, part 2 of 7: our volunteers amaze us and we love them! In Dallas, we had folks who drove 4 hours from Oklahoma City, and a whole family who had driven from 6 hours to the south. We had amazing volunteers. Like… Texas, part 1 of 7: Wide open spaces, big hearts, what a great trip! Do I sound like a broken record when I come back from a speaking tour and tell you how in love I am with my job? My job where I… Chia Pudding: a great new habit Marlene told me, after my class in Kennewick, Washington, that she makes chia pudding for her diabetic husband as a meal or dessert. (Cinnamon is a great blood-sugar controller–note that… Beet Kvass I recently taught you how to make Rejuvelac. If, like me, you’re looking to increase lacto-fermented, probiotic foods in your diet, I’ve got another idea for you. (Try to get… Cheryl says green smoothies were her catalyst for a fabulous life! I recently received this inspiring letter (edited for length) and photo from GSG Cheryl. You’re going to love reading it! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I met you at the Portland conference, and… What to do with my extra greens?? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I bought some spinach at Costco and when I got home, I saw it was about to go bad. So I blended it up and froze it in… Lisa Goes Raw and Eliminates Lupus Symptoms In Denver this summer, I met Lisa, who was, not long ago, completely debilitated by Lupus. Here’s her story, in 4 minutes, that I hope inspires you, if you have…