Blog Search for: Removing Root-Canal Teeth: My Experience, And Why I Had It Done Last Friday, I had five hours of oral surgery under general anaesthesia. I had my two root-canal teeth removed. I had read multiple books and papers on toxic dental practices,… Birthday season is over, but the CAKE was divine Aug. 22 ended birthday season around here, when Emma turned 17. ABC’s Wife Swap, filmed in 2007, when you agree to do the show, waltzes in and figures out what… Jeanette Makes a Healthy “Black Licorice” GreenSmoothieGirl reader Jeanette shared this experience and a recipe to go with it. My kids asked me, “What is that kid eating?” I told them it was licorice, and then… update on the Sugar Bet Do you ever stop and think about the ways karma just flows and flows? When I was over six months into my year-long Sugar Bet, last February, I confessed that… Antibiotics and Dental Surgery: Do I Agree with Taking Antibiotics Preventatively? Part 2 of 2 Answer: Dr. Larson, I have always appreciated how conscientious you are in your practice, and in your ongoing study to legitimately find the truth. And I think it’s impressive that… Antibiotics and dental surgery….do I agree with taking AB’s preventatively? Part 1 of 2 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I think you are pretty conservative and avoid antibiotics, but I had an interesting experience recently in my dental practice that I want to share with you. You… Birthdays don’t have to be corn syrup hell This summer has been a whirlwind. Lots of activities and travel, and, oh I don’t even know why. BIRTHDAY SEASON has snuck up on me. That’s the three weeks of August… K’Lynne Comes to My House — With KMart Pants Last year in Portland, I barely got to spend any time with someone I think is pretty special. In fact, she and her “before and after” photos, and her story,… Bruce says, “GreenSmoothieGirl Isn’t Just for Girls!” I have a testimonial from a guy for you, in a minute. But first…. I play on at least two tennis teams, all four seasons a year. Last Tuesday morning,… Thyroid: You Might Have a Problem and Not Know It All estimates I’ve read are that 25 to 50 percent or more of American women have significant thyroid issues. Possibly over half of women over 40. Most of these women… Stuff You’ve Gotta Know About Vitamin D Did you know that Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin? It’s more like a hormone. (It’s a precursor for the mineral calcium, which has more functions for human beings… What Every Woman Should Know About Hormones (Part 4 of 4) So how do you get on bioidentical hormone? The self-dosing method that many women use, which is very unscientific of course, is to take dessicated animal hormones, such as thyroid,…