Category: Whole Food Search for: Who You Gonna Call? Part III: Nutrition Advice from Personal Trainers My friend Cheryl told me at the gym the other day that she got online with a “Virtual Personal Trainer.” This guy has quite a following here locally and… Who You Gonna Call? Part II: I Have More Stuff to Say About the Diet Docs I thought I was done taking down the high-protein, fad-diet, doctor-scam-artists. But I want to say a bit more, starting with this quote from “Dr. Atkins’ Health Revolution”: … Who You Gonna Call? Part I: Fat Diet Doctors and Celebs This starts a multi-part blog about the false gods we worship in the field of nutrition. First, I often wonder why people buy diet programs from overweight doctors in… tips for eating right inexpensively Q: Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, I can’t afford to eat the way you suggest. Any ideas? A: Most people base their purchasing decisions on taste, convenience, price, appearance, and shelf… how to buy yourself diabetes for only $0.50 a day You know drinking soda is bad for you. Perhaps you and I talking a bit about WHY will be just the trigger you need to kick the habit—or get… nutrition tips for kids I wanted to pass along great ideas from two readers who wrote me, on how they’ve been successful at getting their kids to eat raw vegetables and fruits: Use… a day in the life . . . Q: Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, I’m trying to figure out what to feed my family, now that we’re committed to eating right, so I’m wondering what your family eats every day…. blending vs. juicing I’ve had three people email me the past week to ask why you’d blend smoothies, rather than juice your fruits and vegetables. So here’s why, for anyone else wondering…. Q&A Questions I have been asked: 1. What constitutes RAW—does that mean that everything is not cooked? Uncooked plant food (vegs, fruit, seeds, nuts, grains) have excellent vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. …