Category: Whole Food Search for: My Last Post on the Anti-China-Study Mercola Newsletter Related to questions received from yesterday’s post— I don’t know if anyone has critiqued the China Study who isn’t associated with the Weston A. Price Foundation. All the criticism I… Dr. Mercola attacks the China Study: clash of the titans When Joe Mercola contradicts the basics of nutrition taught on and in my books, we get hundreds of emails. Mercola’s newsletter yesterday supposedly exposes the “DARK SIDE” of the… I Just Interviewed T. Colin Campbell Normally I blog in the morning. Not this morning, because I got Mercola’s newsletter lambasting T. Colin Campbell, PhD, of Cornell University, and his massive study known as the Oxford/Cornell… more tips and thoughts about feeding kids So I was just hanging out with my friend Karl, a single dad to a 6-year old adopted son. He said his son has a very strong personality and he… Mid-Life Mojo, part 2 of 2 Since I turned 40, I have done a bunch of stuff on my bucket list, for instance: Write three books (two published) Travel in 19 countries Take up a competitive… Simple Habits Change Lives This was posted yesterday. WOW! Scott, thank you for sharing this! (And YES, it is amazing to see people’s lives change for the better!) Robyn, First I want to extend… Edible weeds everywhere. Some are nasty. Find purslane! So I checked my son Ten out early from school yesterday because he had a double header far from home. On the front step on the school is my favorite… Help! I’m in Zucchini Hell! I have this kind of random list of questions to ask God when I get on the other side. Some of them are The Big Questions. Why do 15-year old… are eggs good food? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Do you think eggs are okay to eat? Answer: I get this question a lot. The answer is, not really. Especially not conventional eggs. If you’re going to… Despicable Me My baby just turned 10 years old. (I can’t believe it.) And I took him on a date last night to dinner (Jason’s Deli salad bar) and to see Despicable… When Grandma Comes to Spoil the Kids, part 1 of 3 This is edited for length, from “Momof3.” It was a response to one of my recent blog postings and I re-post it here. I often get long emails like this… Independence Day, part 2 of 2 So I told you my dad is the most rad dude ever. He is unfailingly positive. In fact, if you’re grumpy, he just gets MORE peppy and smiley. He epitomizes…