Category: Whole Food Search for: beautiful and young at age 70! three ageless examples show the value of good nutrition! I often hear people judging the raw vegan movement, or its credibility as a lifestyle, because a particular raw vegan doesn’t look good. In fact, it is often debilitating health… Vegetarians’ favorite question My daughter Emma, 16, and I had a convo the other day about how every vegetarian gets sick of the question, “How do you get your protein?” (I bet we… Cancer Treatment at Oasis of Hope IRVINE (Center for New Medicine), part 1 of 7 Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy spoke before I did, in Costa Mesa, to 300 GSG readers, before I began studying with her at her clinic, Center for New Medicine, in Irvine… Co-Existing with Cancer, or Curing It? Of course, every cancer patient hopes for the words “remission” or even better, “cure.” Those things are possible and do happen regularly, especially with early-stage cancers. But, one thing that… Libby Goes Vegan You know I don’t promote any “isms”–vegetarianism, veganism, raw foodism. I’m secretly a fan of all those movements. But I don’t adopt them as extremist positions because I think… The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 3 of 3 That your stomach is full of low calories and high nutrition, after your quart of green smoothie, means you didn’t eat something else. Something worse. Both are great for different… The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 2 of 3 In addition to that formalized piece of research, we have had thousands of testimonials mailed to the site, and I’ve spoken in 2011 to 50 live audiences of approximately … Traveling is No Excuse to Eat Crap A man behind me on my recent flight to Budapest, Hungary, phoned his wife right before takeoff and whispered, “I’m on a plane with Green Smoothie Girl.” I laughed, and… How things change, from age 8 to age 18 Sometimes in my lectures, I encourage the moms of young children to make the change NOW while they’re still “in control” of so many things in the home, including diet…. Two Great Recipes and an Awesome New Ingredient! I recently gave a lecture in St. George, Utah and stayed with my longtime friends, vegan raw foodists Denley and Jan, whose kitchen and fridge contents always inspire me. Denley… How much weight should I gain in pregnancy, and should I shift to whole foods now? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How much weight should I gain in my pregnancy? I want to eat whole foods—but should I do it while I’m pregnant? Video answer here: Watch this… “I need to gain some weight!” I have been studying a massive amount of information in the past few months about over 80,000 toxic chemicals and metals in our environment. Where they come from, what they…