Category: Whole Food Search for: Dr. Jorgenson shares her tips on raising kids to be healthy eaters, part 1 of 2 Dr. Michelle Jorgenson, a dentist in Highland, Utah, is one of our three winners of the “How to Teach Kids to Eat Right” contest. Her comments here, and the recipes… Shanda Blake raises 7 kids to be healthy eaters, Part 2 of 2 Last time I shared the thoughts of Shanda Blake, as she’s in the trenches raising a very large family eating whole foods. These are some of Shanda’s children’s favorite recipes… Shanda Blake raises 7 kids to be healthy eaters, Part 1 of 2 Another of our three winners in the “How do You Raise Healthy Eaters?” contest, this is from Shanda Blake of Saratoga Springs, Utah, a busy mom of 7 kids, ages… Three Winners Tell Us How They Raise Healthy Kids! I’ve gone through 50 single-spaced pages of contest entries, parents telling us their best stuff for how they raise kids to be healthy eaters. And I’m excited to announce I’m… K’Lynne Still Going Strong! You may remember K’Lynne, from tiny Phoenix, Oregon. She did the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course and lost 100 pounds. I saw her in Minneapolis in June, where she… Sugar is Worse than Just “Empty Calories” and Tooth Decay An interesting study you’re not likely to ever hear about came out of my own alma mater, the University of Utah, and THIS article was published in the Tribune: Many… CNN says fish oil pills linked to higher risk of cancer I play a little word-association game at my lectures. I say, “What do you think of when I say OMEGA 3?” Many people yell out, “fish oil!” It’s true. A… How to Eat Right On A Budget…….Contest Winners, part 3 of 3 Margareta Jeppesen of Eagle Mountain, Utah, and Hilary Day of Nellysford, Virginia, are our last 2 winners. I think you’ll find their ideas useful. Share them on facebook or pinterest! Tips from… How to Eat Right On A Budget—Contest Winners, part 2 of 3 Enjoy the ideas of Joanna Keilson of Cary, North Carolina, on how she feeds her family with limited funds! Tips from Joanna Keilson of Cary, North Carolina: 1. Identify the… WHAT DOES GSG THINK ABOUT THE PALEO DIET? part 2 of 2 The GreenSmoothieGirl View I do agree with Paleo theory that hybridized grains are a bad idea. Ditto processed foods. Any diet that gets us OFF PROCESSED FOODS will make you… What Does GSG Think About the Paleo Diet? Part 1 of 2 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Will you blog on what is wrong with the Paleo diet? We have Crossfit fanatics all around us and they are pushing it. It would be nice to… Elementary School Teachers and the GREEN SMOOTHIE SCIENCE FAIR! Coach Beckie shows the kids how to make a green smoothie I hope my readers send a link to Beckie’s story, to teachers they know, to give them ideas. Teachers…