Category: Whole Food Search for: My 13 Simple Eating Rules for Lifelong Health Over the years, I’ve developed a set of food rules that keep me energized, clear-headed, and feeling great. I hope my simple food philosophy inspires you to create clear boundaries… Why Almost Everyone Needs Minerals DAILY for Better Nutrition, Energy, Immunity, and More Even the healthiest foods are depleted of minerals and not nearly as nutrient-dense as they should be. And, you still might be deficient in a dozen or more nutritional compounds,… 15 Pecan Health Benefits — These Naturally Sweet Nuts Are Good for So Much More Than A Sugary Indulgence My grandparents had a few pecan trees in their backyard in Texas. You can tell what part of the country someone is from by how they pronounce “pecan!” I think… 10 Health Benefits of Walnuts: Top Reasons to Eat the Healthiest “Nut” The health benefits of walnuts are impressive. And more are being discovered. In fact, scientists and other experts in the industry have gathered annually to discuss the latest in walnut… 13 Top Raw Almonds Nutrition Benefits (And Why You Want Truly Raw Almonds) Truly Raw Almonds: The Unpasteurized Healthy Snack! The most potent nutrition benefits and best taste come from truly raw almonds. But unless you have a direct connection to an almond grower… Is Chocolate Actually Healthy for You? Chocolate. It’s an art. A celebration. And so much more. I used to go to the Natural Products West Expo every year, where thousands of vendors show-n-tell their products to… How to Boost Your Dopamine & Zest for Life Naturally … with Food! With stress levels high, everyone seems to be chasing dopamine to feel better these days. Few people realize they are “self-medicating” when they engage in potentially addictive and self-destructive behaviors…. Mmm. Our 10 Favorite Winter Soups Are Warm, Filling, and Delicious! A good soup is a reason to love winter. Preparing soup yourself is so much better than opening a can (and better for you, too!). These healthy winter soups are… Warning! Do You Know About This Fake Organic Certification? Did you know that food labels can have two different organic certifications? You need to know about this because I believe most American consumers don’t know the difference. Which one… Food Dyes Rebranded: The Cover-Up Names You Need to Know If you care about your health, here’s something you should know: Probably due to so much bad publicity, food dyes have been rebranded. At the bottom of this blog post… Why I Won’t Take 99% of Supplements Anymore I have taken tens of thousands of supplements. This is what people who become highly suspicious of pharma do. We go to the “alternative” docs, and we take THEIR pills…. MSG Almost Killed Me: It Goes By New Names Now I have a crazy monosodium glutamate (MSG) personal story. It was so startling that it led me to this career as a health and wellness author and journalist. (Don’t want…